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摘要 电子技术的快速发展使得各种各样的电子产品都朝着便携式和小型轻量化的方向发展,也使得更多的电气化产品采用基于电池的供电系统。目前,较多使用的电池有镍镉、镍氢、铅蓄电池和锂电池。它们的各自特点决定了它们将在相当长的时期内共存发展。由于不同类型电池的充电特性不同,通常对不同类型,甚至不同电压、容量等级的电池使用不同的充电器,但这在实际使用中有诸多不便。 ???本文介绍一种基于单片机的智能充电器的设计方法。该充电器可以实时采集电池的电压和电流,并对充电过程进行智能控制。它可以自动计算电池的已充电量和剩余的充电时间,也可以改变参数来适应各种不同电池的充电。系统中的管理电路还具有保护功能,可防止电池的过充和过放对电池造成。 关键词:单片机,智能,充电器 Abstract The rapid development of electronic technology makes all kinds of electronic products develop towards the direction of lightweight and portable,also it makes more electrified products based on power supply system of battery. At present, more use of the battery are nickel-cadmium batteries, nickel metal hydride, lead acid batteries and lithium batteries. Determine the characteristics of their own will make them coexist for a long period of development. Due to the different types of battery charge properties, usually for different types, and even different voltage , different level of the battery capacity to use a different charge, and in practice there are a lot of inconvenience in use. This paper introduces a microcomputer-based design of intelligent charger. The charger can collect real-time battery voltage and current and control the charging process in a intelligent way . It can automatically calculate the battery charge level and the charging time remained, you can change the parameters to adapt to a variety of battery charging.The management system also has the function of protection circuit, and it can prevent battery from overcharge and over discharge. Keywords: SCM, intelligent, charger 目 录 1 1 1.1单片机的特点 1 1.2单片机的应用: 1 1.3单片机实现充电器功能的意义 2 2设计思路分析 3 2.1常见充电电池特性及其充电方式 3 2.2锂离子电池 3 2.3智能化的实现 6 2.4电池充电芯片的选择 6 2.4.1 充电芯片的选择标准 6 2.4.2 MAX1898充电芯片 7 3硬件电路设计 10 3.1主要器件 10 3.2电路原理及说明 12 3.3调试 15 4软件设计 17 4.1 程序流程 17 4.2调试 18 5电池性能指标 20 5.1充放电方法及判定规则 20 5.2荷电保持能力 20 5.3电池安全性能 21 总结 23 参考文献 24 致谢 25 附录A 26 附录B 27 附录C 28 1绪论 1.1单片机的特点 随着大规模和超大规模集成电路技术的发展和计算机微型化的需要,将微型计算机的基本部件:中央处理器(CPU)、存储器、输入/输出(I/O)接口、定时器/计数器等多种资源集成在一个半导体芯片上,使得一块集成电


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