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摘 要 回火指将经过淬火的工件重新加热到低于下临界温度的适当温度,保温一段时间后在空气或水、油等介质中冷却的金属热处理。回火提高组织稳定性,使工件在使用过程中不再发生组织转变,从而使工件几何尺寸和性能保持稳定消除内应力,以便改善工件的使用性能并稳定工件几何尺寸调整材料的力学性能以满足使用要求。 Abstract After quench the workpiece will re-heating to the appropriate temperature below the critical temperature,heat preservation a period of time in the air or water, oil etc.cooling medium heat treatment of metals. This is temper. Temper to increase organizational stability so that the process does not recur in the use of her organizational change, and geometry so that her performance remained stable; Elimination of stress in order to improve performance and stability in the use of her final geometry; Mechanics adjusted performance materials used to meet requirements. Past flashback by the manual handling operations are completed, which is not only time-consuming, laborious also has great danger. With the increasing advances of modern technology, tempering the manual processes are replaced by automatic operation. Among the automatic system, we need to choose an optimal automatic mode. Programmable controller (PLC) is widely used in recent years and the rapid development of a new generation of industrial automation control devices, is now among the top three pillars of industrial automation. Adopt PLC stoves automatic control system to control system, the higher the stability of the entire control system, reliability stronger, more sensitive control, safety factor higher. Keywors: 前 言 可编程控制器(PLC)是以为处理器为核心,将自动控制技术、计算机技术和通信技术融为一体而发展起来的崭新的工业自动控制装置。特别是由于PLC采用了依据继电器控制原理而开发的梯形图作为程序设计语言,使得不熟悉计算机的机电设计人员和工人中的技师均能较快地掌握梯形图的编程方法,极大地促进了PLC在工业生产中的推广应用。目前PLC已基本代替了传统的继电器控制而广泛应用于工业控制的各个领域,PLC已跃居工业自动化三大支柱的首位。 PLC具有很高的抗干扰性和可靠性、灵活的控制能力和控制适应性,且简单易学、操作方便灵活。由于上述特点,PLC的使用范围很宽,凡是需要顺序控制的场合都可以用PLC来实现,PLC的价格也越来越低,使用场合也越来越宽。 本设计就是采用PLC控制系统对回火炉进行控制, 使回火炉控制系统稳定性高、可靠性强、控制灵敏、安全系数高。 第二章 回火炉系统的工艺介绍 2.1 系统工艺 系统的工作原理见图1。利用小车M1把元件送入回火炉中,用电机M2控制炉门开关,用电炉丝给回火炉加热到设定温度。 2.2 系统详细控制要求 系统的具体要求如下: 系统具有自动/手动功能 在手动状态下,小车M1能单独前进与后


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