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The ancient Egypt luping The mysterious Egypt Who built the Pyramids? How did Pyramids built? The curse of Pharaoh [‘f?r??] (法老的诅咒) mummy (木乃伊) scarab [‘sk?r?b] (圣甲虫) solar boat(太阳船) Cleopatra(埃及艳后) 1.金字塔的神秘之处: 金字塔位于神秘的地球北纬30°线。沿这条神秘的纬线,既有地球山脉的最高峰--珠穆朗玛峰的所在地,又有海底最深处--西太平洋的马里亚纳海沟。世界几大河流,如埃及的尼罗河、伊拉克的幼发拉底河、中国的长江、美国的密西西比河,均是在这一纬度线入海。 这条纬线又是世界上许多难解的自然及文明之谜所在地。比如,古埃及金字塔群、狮身人面像、中国长城、中国元谋、神秘的北非撒哈拉沙漠达西里的“火神火种”壁画、死海、巴比伦的“空中花园”、传说中的大西洲沉没处、“百慕大三角区”、古玛雅文明遗址,这些古建筑和神秘之地均会聚于此,让人感到异常的蹊跷。 金字塔的自重乘以1015,等于地球的重量;另一个数据说塔高一百四十多米乘以10亿正好是地球到太阳的距离;底的周长比塔高等于圆周比它的半径。 金字塔能,什么叫金字塔能?就是进金字塔之后,你把那些生锈的硬币放进金字塔里头,很快它就熠熠生辉,非常闪亮。 神秘的诅咒说,如果有谁进入了金字塔会受到恶毒的诅咒,无法继续活下去。 属于古代世界的七大奇观之一。古代世界的七大奇观,埃及占了两个,一个是金字塔,另一个是亚历山大灯塔,这个灯塔已在公元六世纪的时候,由于地震倒塌了。 另一些倒塌的建筑,比如巴比伦的“空中花园”,Hanging Garden,但究竟什么样,我们无从而知,随着时间的推移,它们都倒塌了,都消失了。但只有埃及的金字塔还在,还巍然屹立在尼罗河的西岸。 2. Who built the Pyramids? Pyramids are the tombs of the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt. But only from the 4th dynasty, the first pyramid appeared. It belongs to 斯诺夫鲁, he built several pyramids. Later, his son 胡夫 built the biggest pyramid-----Khufu Pyramid. Because lots of people would rob tombs(盗墓), the Pharaohs never built pyramids, instead, they dig a hole over the cliff of huge mountains. That formed the Valley Of The Kings(帝王谷). 3.The location of the pyramids There are more than 80 pyramids in Egypt, all of them are located in the west side of the Nile(尼罗河). Why no pyramid located in the east side ? The people of ancient saw that the sun rises from the east every day, it grows slowly and becomes brighter. Then, the sun goes down to the west. It disappears and the evening comes. The next day, the sun would do the same thing. So, the people of ancient Egypt think the world is a circle. One is the world ,the other is the other world. The so-called the other world is recognized as the hell(地狱) to us, but the Egyptian don’t think so, they believe that is the other state of people’s life. The ancient Egyptian think that the east is the place o


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