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谚语的翻译求简洁 谚语中It is ….that….句型的正确翻译 Try it : It is a wise father that knows his own son. 是不是:聪明的父亲了解儿子? 不是 而是:再聪明的父亲,也不见得了解自己的儿子。 Conclusion: 这不是强调句而是让步:让步+否定 (莎士比亚时期常用) More exercises It is good worker that never blunders. It is a good horse that never stumbles. It is a good gear that lasts aye(always). It is a bold mouse that nestles in cat’s ears. 智者千虑必有一失。 再好的马也有失蹄的时候。 再好的东西也有用坏的时候。 俚语的翻译 1. 委婉类 go west---- 归西天 pay the debt of nature----了结尘缘 She is five months gone.她已有五个月的喜了. May I please be excused? May I go to the bathroom please? May I please leave the room? May I use the facilities? What is the geography of the house? I’m going to do my business. / I’m going to my private office. 2. 赌咒类 to hell with you! Hang you! You be hanged! Oh, hell! I’ve missed the last train. 真该死! 我没赶上末班火车. No need to worry; to hell with all this. 不必操心; 让这一切都见鬼去吧! Get the hell out of here! 快滚开! This is a hell of place. 这个鬼地方! 3. 粗俗类 Don’t talk crap (shit)! 不要胡说八道! 小妇养的! 动了兵器了! Sons of bitches! They are using weapons now. 忘了本的小娼妇儿! Ungrateful slut! 歇后语 1.你可倒好!肉包子打狗—一去不回头啊 Well, you certainly are a guy! A dog given a bone who doesn’t come back for more! 2. 老混蛋,你吃的河水,倒管的宽,这是你说话的地方吗? Old bastard, poking your nose into things that don’t concern you! Who wants your opinion? 歇后语的翻译 直译: 咱们俩的事, 一条绳拴着两蚂蚱,谁也跑不了! We are like two grasshoppers tied to one cord: neither can get away. 套译: 日本曹长心里像有十五个吊桶打水, 七上八下地不安宁. It was as if the sword of Damocles hung over the Japanese sergeant. 意译: 1. 等他们赶来增援时, 已是 “正月十五贴门神----晚了半月啦”. But they were too late for a rescue. 2. 可是谭招弟心中却想: 骑着毛驴看书---走着瞧吧, 看究竟是啥原因. But Tan Zhaodi was still thinking to herself, “Let’s wait and see what the reason for it turns out to be in the end.” 3. 对新药业, 老实讲, 我是擀面杖吹火---- 一窍不通. To be quite honest with you, I don’t know the first thing about the modern drug business. 4. 我在店里呢, 是灯草拐杖, 做不得柱(主)的. My position in the shop doesn’t permit me


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