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中原(工商舖) Centaline Commercial 工商舖快訊月刊2014年月 Market Review September 2014 區董點評 Director’s Review 寫字樓部 Office Department 近月,商廈市場買賣氣氛明顯轉好,大額成交相繼湧現。8月份,市場錄得約171宗買賣成交,平均呎價約HK$10,602。當中約5宗為逾億元成交個案,並以外資基金斥資約HK$11.7億購入九龍貿易中心B座5層樓面最為矚目,涉及約129,722平方呎。市場消息指出,新鴻基地產(0016)旗下樓花商廈W50的寫字樓部分已沽清,套現近HK$19億,平均呎價約HK$13,816,涉及樓面約137,331平方呎。 In recent months, the office market has obviously turned active and recorded numerous notable transactions continuously. In August, there were around 171 office sales transactions at an average price about HK$10,602 psf. In which around 5 cases were each transacted over HK$100 million. The most remarkable transaction referred to a foreign fund who acquired 5 whole floors of Kowloon Commerce Centre Tower B at approx. HK$1.17 billion. The total involved floor area covers about 129,722 sq ft. On the other hand, market source said that the under-construction office project under Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016), namely W50, has sold out the office portions. The corresponding office portions cover a total GFA around 137,331 sq ft, involving a total consideration nearly HK$1.9 billion. The average transacted price accounted for approx. HK$13,816 psf. 工商部 Industrial / Office Department 本港投資氣氛持續興旺,市場累積的購買力逐步釋放,投資者看好工商物業前景,相繼入市,為市場帶來不少矚目成交。市場消息稱,粉嶺安樂門街勉勵龍中心,總建築面積約152,773平方呎,以約HK$5.15億成交,呎價約HK$3,371,創區內工廈呎價新高。據悉新業主考慮申請活化,把大廈改裝成商舖用途。另外位於觀塘偉業街的同得仕大廈,總樓面面積約105,833平方呎,以約HK$5億成交,呎價約HK$4,724。另同區駿業街43-45號地盤,則以約HK$3.28億成交,以地盤面積約9,176平方呎計算,平均呎價約HK$35,745。原業主於06年斥資約HK$2.81億購入,現帳面獲利約HK$4,700萬,市傳新買家為新世界集團。    The investment market has remained flourishing; investors have been optimistic towards the market prospect of I/O properties and stayed active in searching valuable premises. Accumulated purchasing power has been released gradually, bringing along a number of remarkable transactions. According to market source, the whole block of Mineron Centre at On Lok Mun Street in Fanling, with total GFA about 152,773 sq ft, was sold at approx. HK$515 million. The average price accou


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