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What should we do to protect our world? 3.reduce (1). 减少;缩小;降低 He is trying to reduce expenses. 他正试图减少开支。 (2). 使处于(某种状态);使化为,使变为 [(+to)] The fire reduced the paintings to ashes. 大火将这些画烧成了灰烬。 4. …and it is harmful to our environment. 对我们的环境有害。 be harmful to对…有害 Fruit juices can?be harmful to?childrens teeth. 果汁可能损坏儿童的牙齿。 拓展: do harm to 对……有害 The trials show that smoking will do harm to people.试验显示抽烟对人体有害。 do good to 对……有好处 Exercise will do good to your health. 锻炼将对你的健康有益。 5. Before you buy something new, think whether it is really necessary. 在你买新东西以前,先想一下它是否有用。 necessary a. (1). 必要的,必需的[(+for/to)] Oxygen is necessary for life. 氧气是生命所必需的。 (2). 必然的,无法避免的 Poor health is a necessary result of over-exertion. 体弱是过度劳累的必然结果。 6. Use things for as long as possible. 尽可能长时间去使用这些东西。 ★ as …as 和……一样 Flowers are as beautiful as butterflies. 花儿和蝴蝶一样漂亮。 ★ be not so …as 和……不一样 He is not so tall as his brother. 他不像他哥哥那么高大。 7. Recycle means “change things into something else to be reused”. 把东西转换成其他可以使用的东西 change into 把...变成 They are changing desert into farmland. 他们正在使沙漠变为农田。 The ugly caterpillar will change into a beautiful butterfly. 丑陋的毛虫会变成美丽的蝴蝶。 12 Unit2 Shiqiaozi Middle School ZhangLi 1. at a green school 在环保学校 2. collect waste 收集废品 3. sell the waste 卖废弃物 4. in poor areas 在贫穷地区 5. learn ways to 学习…的方法 6. Save money and recycle 节约钱并回收 7. start to do something 开始做些某事 The beautiful earth is our home. Do you love to live here? Can you imagine that this is the water they drink every day? Water pollution Air pollution Wood cutting garbage Cut the trees desert starvation most serious problems Look at the pictures. Say which things are better for the environment and why. Reduce order more food Don’t waste food china cup lunch box paper cup paper box It’s better to use a reusable box and china cup instead of paper box and cup because they can be used again. Paper cups can only be used once and have to be



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