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参考词汇:audience(n.)观众 insert(vt.)插入 relevant department 相关部门 Dear Editor, Im writing to give you my opinions about the problem of too many advertisements being inserted in TV plays,_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Sincerely Yours, Li Hua 【满分作文】 Dear Editor, Im writing to give you my opinions about the problem of too many advertisements being inserted in TV plays,which interrupts TV plays frequently. Audience can‘t put up with that any longer.They think TV stations violate their rights.Firstly,①too many advertisements waste their time when people are waiting for favorite programs.Secondly , ②the whole stories are spoiled with repeated advertisements inserted,making audience bored and impatient.Lastly, ③audiences pleasure in watching TV is severely ruined. For the sake of the audience,we hope that relevant departments can take effective measures to limit the number and time of advertisements being broadcast.Meanwhile,TV stations shouldnt think of nothing but making money.④Instead they must allow for audiences interests,or more people will turn to the Internet to enjoy their favorite plays. Sincerely Yours, Li Hua 【高级词汇】 put up with 忍受 violate rights侵犯权利 insert 插入 relevant department 相关部门 【佳句变换】  That Changes peoples keen expectation for favorite programs to their being bombed by endless advertisements.  Repeated advertise ments being inserted results in audiences impatience as well as in the spoiling of the story.  Theres no denying that it will certainly cost the audie-nces pleasure from TV plays.  Instead they should realize audiences interests come first,which otherwise will force more people to avoid TV. 9.limit vt.限制→limited adj.有限的 10.impressive adj.给人印象深刻的→impress v.给……以印象;使铭记→impression n.印象 11.convenient adj.方便的→convenience n.便利;方便 12.explore vt.探索→explorer n.探索者→exploration n.探索 13.react vi.反应→reaction n.


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