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Do you like animals? Have a look~~ What do you think? They are really lovely! But unfortunately, they are all endangered animal. The twelve most endangered animal species 古巴鳄 (Cuban crocodile) 佛罗里达戴帽蝙蝠 (Florida bonneted bat) 绿眼蛙 (Green Frog) 格林纳达鸽 (Grenada dove ) There are over 5000 Vertebrate(脊椎动物) animals are threatened or endangered. Many things can cause animals to become threatened or endangered; Most problems are caused by…… Following are some major PROBLEMS: First Problems: habitat loss Habitat is the ecosystem(生态系统) of animals, they need to live in proper place, such as swamp, rain forest, desert, etc. Human replace the animal habitats ,it could cause an extensive loss of ranges for animals. Second Problem: pollution Commercial and industrial operations can reduce land and pollute environment. Air pollution Water pollution Third Factor: predation or illegal killing Predation makes animals become endangered is over-fishing or over-hunting. Forth Factor: introduction animal Many rarity animals are introduced by people to areas where they never existed before. The introduction of a non-native species to a habitat may make animals become endangered. 许多稀有的动物被人们引进到他们从未生存过的地方,引进一个非本地物种到一个栖息地可能使动物濒临灭绝。 Fifth Factor: disease Introduced animals bring new diseases with them, becomes another reason of why are animals endangered. The native animals can’t resistance(抵抗) to non-native diseases. Another cause of disease is chemicals. Some chemicals direct effect on some animal’s population. These five major PROBLEMS are all caused by HUMANS!! What’s your feeling now? Do you want these lovely animals live? We have to know that when animals become endangered, the entire food chain can be affected. So!! Please!! Help the endangered animals, help ourselves, help the world! * 亨氏羚羊 (Heinz antelope) 犁头龟 (Ploughshare tortoise) 苏门答腊猩猩 (Sumatran Orangutan) 岛屿灰狐 (Urocyon littoralis ) 白头叶猴 White he


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