Module7--A--famous--story-Unit2-She-was-thinking-about-her-cat..ppt [自动保存的].ppt

Module7--A--famous--story-Unit2-She-was-thinking-about-her-cat..ppt [自动保存的].ppt

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Module7--A--famous--story-Unit2-She-was-thinking-about-her-cat..ppt [自动保存的]

Teaching goals. 1.To understand a story concerning its details,especially what(事件),who(人物), when(时间) , where(地点) and why(原因). 2.To write a story with The Past Continuous Tense.(过去进行时态) Language points 1. tired adj. 疲劳的,累的 (修饰人) tiring adj. 令人劳累的, 厌烦的 (修饰物) Running is _________. I don’t like it. After a long walk, I got quite ________ . ———— — tiring tired 2.think of sth./doing sth.考虑某事或考虑做某事 She was thinking of visiting her friends. 3.with, without sth./doing sth. (有,没有) He went home without saying a word. 4.There was nothing strange about that. 形容词修饰不定代词时,应该后置,即不定代词后 跟形容词。 I have somthing to tell you. 我有事要告诉你们。 Can you find anything different ? 你找到不同的东西了吗? 5.She didn’t think it is strange. 她认为这不奇怪. (否定前移) 我想英语并不难。 I don’t think (that) English is easy. 老师认为我不聪明。 The teacher doesn’t think (that) I am clever. 6. She heard the rabbit say……. She sew it go down a large rabbit hole. see /watch/ hear/notice+ sb + do / doing 看见 /听见/ 注意到…做了(正做)某事 我看见老师上了车. I saw the teacher get on the bus. 我听到有人正在隔壁房间唱歌. I heard someone singing at the next room. be getting very tired by the river have nothing to do once or twice look into run by sb. get out 感觉到很累 在河边 无事可做 一两次 窥视 浏览 从…旁边走过 离开 make a daisy chain think of/about take … out of run after run across the field get up go down the hole 做雏菊环 考虑 (从…)拿出 追逐 跑过田地 起身 掉到洞里 知识背景 刘易斯·卡罗尔 刘易斯·卡罗尔时(Lewis Carroll)英国数学家、逻辑学家,其真实姓名为查尔斯·道齐森(Charles Dodgson)。卡罗尔于1832年出生,幼年家境贫寒,生活艰辛,但他学习特别用功。卡罗尔(Carroll)十分喜欢文学,博览各类文学书籍,12岁就开始写作。1850年他去牛津大学(University of Oxform)基督堂学院,1854年被任命为数学讲师,直至退休。 基督堂学院院长利德尔的三个女儿常和卡罗尔玩儿,缠着他讲故事。卡罗尔很喜欢这三姐妹,常常自己编些故事讲给她们听,后来他把这些故事写了下来。小说家金斯利发现了这些手稿,便说服利德尔夫人,力劝卡罗尔发表这部作品。于是《爱丽丝漫游奇境》便问世了。 Math the notes about Lewis Carroll and Alice Liddell with the questions. 1.What was Lewis Carroll’s real name? 2.What was he doing at the University of Oxford, England? 3.Who did Dodgson see in a garden? 4.What was Alice doing with her sisters? 5.What did they ask h


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