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24. before long不久以后 long before 很久以前 22 . glare, stare, gaze glare: 怒视,表示愤怒地看 eg. They stopped arguing and glared at each other. stare:“盯着看”,指由于惊奇、害怕、生气或沉思而睁大眼睛全神贯注 eg. The old man stared up and down at the uninvited guest. gaze: 凝视, 指长时间无意识地注视 eg. She turned to gaze admiringly at her husband. 23 . combine vi. 使…与…结合; 使…合并; . Vt. 结合;联合 . 固定搭配: combine A with B 使A与B结合 翻译:我们应当将书本知识月社会实践结合起来。 We should combine book learning with social practice. ———————————————————————— * * New words Healthy eating --- diet diet和food的区别: diet指的是习惯性的食物或规定的事物 food是一般的词语,凡能吃的东西都可称为food The _____ that you buy in supermarkets are high in sugar, fat and salt. Proper _____ and exercise are both important for health. food diet 2. balanced diet balanced adj.平衡的”,“均衡的 ① You ought to have a balanced state of mind. 你应该保持心态平衡。 ② v. 使均衡,收支平衡 Try to balance your diet by eating more fruit. 多吃一些水果, 使饮食均衡。 ③ n. 平衡,天平 Please gain a better balance between work and play. 请争取把工作和娱乐更好地结合起来。 3. frustrated adj. 失望的,失意的 他感到既失意又恼火。 He feels frustrated and angry. frustrate v. 使挫败, 使不成功 The bad weather frustrates our hopes of having a picnic. 坏天气使我们野餐的愿望无法实现。 4.ought to 应该 与should的意思大致相同,但should注意表示主观的看法,而ought to 则反映客观情况。 You _______ stay at home in such a bad weather. I ______ work hard. ought to should ought not to do sth 你不应该喝那么多酒。 You ought not to drink so much. 我现在应该离开吗? Ought I to leave now? ought to + have done 表示本应该做的事却没有做。 You ought to have told me earlier. 你应该早点告诉我。 5. Nothing could have been better . 再也没什么比这更好吃的了 比较级否定形式,实际上表示的是最高级的含义 Nobody loved money better than he. I think nothing is more pleasant than traveling. I think traveling is the most pleasant . Bob ran the 100 meters in 9.91 seconds, and I have not seen ________ this year. (浙江 2005) the best B. better C. the most D. more 6. newly-opened small restaurant . newly-opened 副词加动词过去分词合成形容词。 合成形容词最常


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