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互聯網的數學 Relational and Logical Operators Relational operators available , =, , =, ==, ~= Logical operators to combine relational expressions: (and), | (or), ~ (not) if ((b=a) (b=c)) disp(‘b is the maximum’) end Control Statements Matlab has three control constructs: for, while, if for is an iterated loop statement for i = 1:n … % loop body statements end or for i = m:s:n % from m to n in steps of s … end Example: for a = rand(1,100); % sum a random vector s = 0; for i = 1:100 s = s+a(i); end % this can also be done by sum(a); Example: for % sum only the odd-index entries a = rand(100); s = 0; for i = 1:2:100 s = s+a(i); end Example: for A = zeros(k,k) % Hilbert matrix for m = 1:k for n = 1:k A(m,n) = 1/(m+n -1); end end Example: for % Matrix multiplication C = A*B for m = 1:k for n = 1:k for j = 1:k C(m,n) = C(m,n) + A(m,j)*B(j,n); end end end while construct while condition …. end if construct if condition … else … (elseif condition) (…) end Example: while a = rand(1,100); % sum a random vector s = 0; j=1; while j 101 s = s+a(j); j = j+1; end Example: if if A B disp(‘A is larger’) elseif A B disp(‘B is larger’) elseif A = = B disp(‘A equals B’) else disp(‘Unexpected situation’) end Example: if for j=1:class_size if score(j) = 90 grade(j)=‘A’; elseif score(j) = 80 grade(j)=‘B’; else grade(j)=‘F’; end end Generating Poisson Distribution * Week 5 Relation and logical operators Controlling statements: for, while and if Generating Poisson Distribution Set k=0 and P=1 Generate a uniformly distributed random number Uk+1 and replace P by P*Uk+1 If accept X = k, else k increases by one and return to Step 2 for i=1:N, k=0;p=1; u=rand; p=p*u; while p=exp(-lambda) u=rand; p=p*u; k=k+1; end x(i)=k; end Or just use: poissrnd(lambda,M,N) * * * *


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