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本期观点 玉米拍卖仅限饲料企业凸显政策倾斜用意,成交情况决定影响性质,天气因素所导致的面积、产量等不确定因素仍是多头炒作题材。 现货高涨,需求旺季,即便发放配额亦对美棉形成支撑,有望迎来内外同涨局面,新疆雪灾等因素刺激郑棉走强。 玉米早报(5.17) 永安期货 肖 桦 行情回顾:高位盘整 现货市场 玉米趋势指数:54.2,持平 由于市场密切关注临时存储玉米投放情况,暂停竞价交易刺激市场看涨心态,期货和现货市场价格均有抬升。本周,山东地区加工企业收购价格普遍超过2000元/吨,由于中央直属企业和饲料企业加大玉米运输力度,销区玉米价格基本保持稳定,价格涨幅有限。市场看涨心态仍然处于较高水平,一方面是市场对于本年度后阶段粮源短缺的担忧情绪始终存在,在玉米供应尚未明显下降之前观望国家调控政策的转变;二是东北地区玉米播种期间遭遇不利降雨天气,部分地区玉米播种继续延迟。贸易企业的价格预期尚未实现,农户继续惜售玉米,用粮企业补充库存的需求旺盛,受调查企业认为,后期玉米价格还有继续上涨的趋势。 CBOT 棉花早报(5.17) 永安期货 肖 桦 行情回顾:重返升势 现货撮合:5月14日成交火爆 主力试探18000 美棉出口周报显示上周美棉出口大增,其中中国采购增加,以及有消息称中国将增发棉花进口配额,ICE期棉获得利好支撑,最终以全面上涨收盘;目前国内现货资源尤其是高等级花紧张,尽管配额下发,但国际价格居高不下,可采购资源又有限,不少企业认为配额难以物尽其用,在资源紧缺的情况下,国内现货价格容易跟随国际价格上涨。 NYBOT 豆类早报(5.17) 永安期货 肖 桦 国内:窄幅整理 谢 谢! * Copyright Yong’an Futures Co., Ltd ? 2008. All rights reserved. 用未来思考今天 * 用未来思考今天 * 用未来思考今天 祝愿大家在即将到来的2010年的投资市场中都能满载而归! 永安期货分析师 肖桦 TELUpdating Our Formats for Brand Consistency Recommended Designs and Process Agenda for today’s discussion Background Objectives Format recommendation and selected examples Technical process plan Launch and rollout steps and timing Communications What we need from you today Background — genesis of this project In recent perception/awareness study, respondents said they preferred to work with firms that presented findings in a clear and easy to understand format This program continues the update of the A.T. Kearney brand and marketplace positioning Our logo and stationery materials were updated in 2003 New formats for IC publications will be introduced and the website launched in January 2005 Print advertising campaign will be rolled out in the U.S. in Q1 2005 Reduction in Production Services at corporate and office-level Global Production Services head count reduced by approximately 50% since mid 2001 Majority of consulting teams produce documents without using Production Services support Lack of consistency in presentation formats: at least 16 different formats are currently used Examples of various presentation formats Key


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