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御尊卡(售价2988元/套)ZTG RESORT THOUSAND-ISLAND LAKE HANGZHOU Excellen Club Constitution 总则 Profile 浙旅·杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店御尊卡的所有成员,均须遵守此章程。 All members of Excellen Club 俱乐部介绍 Introduction本俱乐部是为感谢关心与支持浙旅·杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店发展的各地宾朋而专门创建的,希望各位嘉宾在公务繁忙之余,在浙旅·杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店能享受到与众不同的贵宾待遇。俱乐部分会员发展部与会员接待部。会员发展部负责对御尊卡会员的资格审核与会员发展工作,会员接待部负责对会员的各项预订工作与会员到本酒店的接待服务工作,并将及时地向会员发布浙旅·杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店的最新动态与各项会员政策。Excellen Club is established to pay the appreciation to our guests who support and care for the development of ZTG RESORT THOUSAND-ISLAND LAKE HANGZHOU. We hope the members can enjoy special VIP treatment while staying in the Hotel. The Club includes Member Development Section and Reception Centre. The Member Development Section is responsible for developing club members and verifying the membership qualification and Reception Centre is in charge of reservation, guest service, and publishing the new policies in time. 本俱乐部对御尊卡实行限量发行。 Excellen Club limit the issuing quantity of the Excellen Card. 该御尊卡具有身份识别功能和优惠结算功能,会员持卡来浙旅·杭州千岛湖温馨岛度假酒店消费将得到优质、优先、优惠的个性化服务。此御尊卡只作优惠证件之用,不能用以抵扣任何酒店消费用。The Excellen Card has the function of guest identification and favorable treatment. Members with the card will receive high quality, preferential, and favorable service when consuming in the hotel. The Excellen Card is only used as a preferential certificate with no discount for any consumption in the hotel. 御尊卡有效期为一年(包括所有赠送的券种),逾期作废。 Excellen Card is valid for one year (including all complimentary vouchers) and will be invalid after the specified date. 御尊卡会员享有的权利 Members ights 作为御尊卡会员,一经入会,将获得以下礼券: s will be issued to the guest who has become the member of the club at the very beginning. 1张房免费住宿凭证,可在有效期内免费入住房壹间·(含单早,只限于散客形式入住,不适用于会议用房)free accommodation certificates for lake deluxe room,with which you can live one lake deluxe room for one day. Also, they are for individual tourists and not for conferences. 1张房免费住宿凭证,可在有效期内免费入住壹间·(含单早,只限于散客形式入住,不适用于会议用房)free accommodation certificates for lake executive suite,with which y


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