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管道施工方案 Construction Schemes for Piping Works 1概述 General Statement 乙烯装置一标段的管道施工,主要是裂解区、急冷区、压缩二区、裂解汽油加氢区和废碱处理区管道安装。管道安装工程量91034米,管道材质有碳钢、低温钢、不锈钢及铬钼合金钢,管道安装的主要工程量见表1。 The construction of the piping works for the tendered Works I in the ethylene complex covers mainly the piping installation for the cracking heater area, quench area, compression area 2#, pyrolysis gasoline hydrogenation area and the spent alkali treatment area. The quantity for the piping installation works amounts are about 91,034 meters and the involved construction materials of the piping include carbon steel, low temperature steel, stainless steel as well as chrome-molybdenum alloy steel. For the major quantity of piping installation works, refer to Table 1. 一标段管道工程量 表1 Table 1 Quantity of Piping Installation for Tendered Works I 序号 S/N 名称 Description 规格 Specifications 单位 Unit 数量 Quantity 备注 Remarks 碳钢管 CS Piping 0.5″~2″ m 38680 碳钢管 CS Piping 2″ m 41688 不锈钢管 SS Piping 0.5″~2″ m 3569 不锈钢管 SS Piping 2″ m 2669 铬钼钢管 Cr-Mo Piping 0.5″~2″ m 1842 铬钼钢管 Cr-Mo Piping 2″ m 2586 合计 Total m 91034 碳钢阀门 CS Valves 0.5″~2″ 个 set 8525 碳钢阀门 CS Valves 2″ 个 set 1324 不锈钢阀门 SS Valves 0.5″~2″ 个 set 619 不锈钢阀门 SS Valves 2″ 个 set 82 铬钼钢阀门 Cr-Mo Valves 0.5″~2″ 个 set 125 铬钼钢阀门 Cr-Mo Valves 2″ 个 set 163 合计 Total 个 set 10838 方案编制依据: Basis of the Schemes Preparation ——SECCO提供招标文件中的技术资料和标准规范; Technical Information and standards and codes provided in SECCO’s bid inviting documents; ——国内的有关标准和相应的施工及验收规范; Applicable national standards and the relevant construction and acceptance specification; ——我公司在其他乙烯工程施工的经验。 Our experience of construction on other ethylene projects. 乙烯装置工艺管道全部采用工厂化预制加工,现场分段安装。 All the process piping used in the ethylene plant shall be prefabricated in shop and installed segment by segment on site. 2施工准备 Construction Preparations ⑴安装前,施工技术人员应根据设计文件、施工图及标准规范结合装置实际情况编制详细地切合实际的施工方案,并经逐级审批完毕后,向各工种施工人员进行技术交底。 The technical personnel in charge of construction s


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