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一群黑漆漆的矿工 a bunch of dark miners 他们上的是早班,早上六点就起床 They go on the morning shift, so they have to get up at 6 安全是矿工最牵挂的问题safety is the most concerned problem for miners 祈祷升井平安 pray for peace 七点钟点完名,记下当天的生产工作计划后就下井劳碌 after putting down the schedule for today , they have to be down to the mine to start their jobs. 矿工自己用摩托车取餐,并送进井下,包扎的严严实实担心传送过程中漏出。矿工的午餐标准是六块钱 They get their food by motor bicycle , in case of leaking , their cases have to be banded tightly , the lunch standard is 6 yuan 抽口小烟、吃口点心都是工作间隙的享受 Smoking and snacking are enjoyable during the working break 一般情况下,他们都会在井下完成交接班 generally , the will hand over the succession under the mine, 一般要工作到下午四五点,升井洗完澡后,五六点或六七点到家 they have to finish their work around 5 in the after, after bath when they get out from the mine , they have to go back home around 7 天天如此辛劳地工作 they have to work every day hard 矿工们最为喜欢的太阳 they are enjoying the sun 中国人的一天 A day for Chinese people 善良的人们,总是会把关注和赞扬投给真实生活的人。中国人的一天,感动每一天…… Kind people , always pay attention and praise to the real life. One day for Chinese people, one touched day 拾荒者 The scavengers 每天蹬三轮跑几十公里,经常是汗流浃背,所以老古干脆光膀子。Every day run several ten kilometers by a junk tricycle , he always gets sweating, so what he often does is bare his arm simply. 有时生意不好,老古就在路边小息一会儿。 Sometimes his business is not so good , he Will sit by the road to have a short break. 老古的午饭经常在三轮车上吃。 His lunch is always had along his tricycle. 看着对面的高楼,老古说“总有一天我也能住上”Looking at the tall building in front of him, he said , I will be able to live in it one day. 天气好的时候,老古会把自己潮湿的被褥拿出来晒晒 When it’s fine day ,he will get his humid bedding basked 老古经常到垃圾站“淘宝“he always goes to the garbage station to get sth wealthy Get sth wealthy 每次卖废品时老古最幸福 He feels so happy when he is selling junk. 一个简易的搭建就是老古的家 A simple erection is his home 每个纸箱都是老古的宝 every carton he collected is his treasure 老古正在卖捡来的饮料瓶 He’s selling the beverage bottles he picked up from the garbage. 挣钱不易,老古对每次称重的时候总是“斤斤计较” That’s not easy to make money , so he alw


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