7A Unit 2 复习1课件.ppt

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7A Unit 2 复习1课件

一、【精选词汇】㈠重点短语 想去睡觉 want to go to sleep “想做某事”有两种表达: want to do sth /would like to do sth, 2.写日记 keep a diary / write a diary 她每天都写日记。 ⑴She keeps a diary every day. 看! Tom 正在写日记。 ⑵Look. Tom is writing a diary. 3.做早操 do morning exercises 做眼保健操 do eye exercises 6.坐在操场上的树下 sit under the trees in/on the playground 7.对某人友好 be nice to sb/ be kind to sb/ be friendly to sb 8.去参加读书兴趣小组 go to the Reading Club 9.每周四和周五 every Tuesday and Friday ⑴every+单数名词,每一… 11.是游泳兴趣小组的一员 be a member of the Swimming Club …的成员之一 be a member of… 加入… join… e.g. 他去年加入俱乐部。 He joined the club last year. He’s been a member of the club since last year. 15.看电视太多 watch too much TV→ watch TV too much 英语中把看电视太多的人叫做couch potato(懒散在家的人). 16.制作飞机模型 make a model plane 17. 在学校足球队里 In/on the school football team 在某队用in/on都可以 1.合作精神;集体精神 team spirit n. 2.协同工作;配合 teamwork n. 23.教某人… teach sb… 教我们英语 teach us English ⑴自学… teach oneself sth ⑵教某人(如何)做某事 teach sb (how) to do sth 24. say hello to her向她问好,问候她 感谢… say thanks to … 向…告别 say goodbye to… 25. 得到关于…的消息 get some information about… information n(U)信息;消息; 一则消息a piece of information 26. go on a trip→ go on a trip to…去某地旅行 27.期待着好好出去玩一天 look forward to a great day out look forward to sth/doing sth期待(做)某事,常用于进行时,to是介词,其后必须接名词、代词或动名词。 e.g. 我正盼望着收到Sandy的来信。 I’m looking forward to hearing from Sandy. 28.对…有好处,有益于… be good for sb/sth 对…有害处,有害于… be bad for sb/sth ①吸烟有害健康。 Smoking is bad for your health. 很多的锻炼对我们有益。 ②A lot of exercise is good for us. 29. …的答案 the answer to… [特别提醒] both的反义词是neither, all的反义词是none。 Both of us are not doctors. 我们俩并非都是医生。 (部分否定) Neither of us is a doctor. 我们俩都不是医生。(完全否定) All of the books are not helpful. 并非所有这些书都对人有帮助。(部分否定) None of the books are/ is helpful. 这些书中没有一本对人有帮助。(完全否定) 人称代词 人称代词有三种不同的人称形式: 第一人称指说话人自己; 第二人称指说话的对象; 第三人称指说话人谈论的对象。三种人称又各有单、复数形式 主格(Subjective?Case) 宾格(Objective?Case) 7A Unit 2 My day 丑斧钧珊砂杖腊儡奎娘吓耻忘片渠饱增岳未登绣矣叔垃锚煽华搞献酒恳溯7A Unit 2 复习1课件7A Unit 2 复习1课件 Different p


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