2017届高三英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Great scientists教师用书 新人教版必修5.doc

2017届高三英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Great scientists教师用书 新人教版必修5.doc

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Unit 1 Great scientists 一、单词—— 写 得 准 用 得 活(用所给词的适当形式填空) 1.defeat vt.  打败;战胜;使受挫 n. 失败 2.expert adj. 熟练的;经验或知识丰富的 n. 专家;行家 3.attend vt. 照顾;护理;出席;参加 4.absorb vt. 吸收;吸引;使专心 5.blame vt. 责备;谴责 n. 过失;责备 6.pollute vt. 污染;弄脏 7.positive adj. 积极的;肯定的;确实的 8.enthusiastic adj. 热情的;热心的 9.science n.科学→scientific adj.科学的→scientist n.科学家 10.conclude vt.vi.结束;推断出→conclusion n.结论;结束 11.challenge n.挑战 vt.向……挑战→challenging adj.具有挑战性的 12.severe adj.严重的;剧烈的;严厉的→severely adv.严重地;严厉地 13.announce vt.宣布;通告→announcement_n.通知;宣告→announcer n.播音员;广播员 14.instruct vt.命令;指示;教导→instruction n.指导;指示;用法说明 15.construct vt.建设;修建→construction n.建设;建筑物 16.contribute vt.vi.捐献;贡献;捐助→contribution n.捐献;贡献 17.cautious adj.小心的,谨慎的→caution n.小心;谨慎→cautiously adv.小心地;谨慎地 18.reject vt.拒绝;抛弃;不接受→rejection n.拒绝;抛弃 1.You must read the instructions (instruct) before taking the medicine. 2.We can come to the conclusion (conclude) that nothing is so precious as freedom in the world. 3.Her proposal met with continual rejections (reject), which made her mad. 4.I want to be a scientist to discover a scientific breakthrough to save peoples lives.(science) 5.Mary announced to her teammates that she was to marry a Chinese boy. The announcement of their marriage would appear in the local newspaper next week.(announce) 6.The workers are constructing the bridge damaged by the flood, and the bridge under construction connects the road with the town.(construct) 7.The first lady Peng Liyuan has contributed a lot of money to the school and she has made great contributions to education. (contribute) 8.I was bored with my job and felt I needed a new challenge. Last week I got a new job in a big firm, and I found it very challenging.(challenge) ? 1.后缀-sion构成的抽象名词集锦 conclusion   结论;结束 confusion 混乱 expression 词语;表达方式 revision 修正;复习 permission 允许 profession 职业;专业 2.“观点;态度”的高频形容词positive    积极的 negative 消极的 subjective 主观的 objective 客观的 doubtful 怀疑的 critical 批评的 3.“照看/照顾某人”的多种表达attend to/on/upon sb.  care for sb. ③take


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