2017届高三英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Poems练习 新人教版选修6.doc

2017届高三英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Poems练习 新人教版选修6.doc

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Unit 2 Poems 阅读理解·组块专练——练速度 (限时:35分钟) .阅读理解 A (2017·河南省洛阳市统一考试)Some people like modern art, while others say that is rubbish.But a cleaner who works in the Tate Gallery in London isnt able to tell the difference.The woman, whose name isnt known, mistook a work of art by the German painter Gustav Metzger for a bag of rubbish, and threw it out with other bags. The plastic bag, which contained pieces of paper and cardboard, was later recovered outside the gallery, but the artist thought that it was too damaged to be put on show again. 78-year-old Mr Metzger explained that the exhibit, which he said was a copy of a similar work he had created in 1960, was meant to show that all art is temporary and “finite (有限的)”. Embarrassed officials at the museum said that they had had to call a meeting with cleaners to explain which things should not be touched. They would not say whether Mr Metzger would be paid any compensation for the incident. However, to make absolutely sure the same thing would not happen again, they decided to cover Mr Metzgers work every evening with a coloured cloth. In this way the cleaners arriving after the gallery had been closed to the general public would realize they should not touch it. This is not the first time that museum cleaners have had trouble distinguishing exhibits from rubbish. In 2001, in another London gallery, a cleaner threw away a work by the well-known British artist Damien Hirst. It was an arrangement of empty beer bottles, coffee cups, and overflowing ashtrays, which were meant to indicate the chaos in the life of an artist. However, cleaners dont always throw things away — sometimes they clean them! This was the case with a dirty bath, which was on show in a gallery in Germany. Without asking what the bath was doing in the gallery, the cleaners simply scrubbed it clean. 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了在美术馆工作的清洁工错误地将现代艺术作品当成垃圾扔掉的故事。 1.The officials of the museum covered Mr Metzgers work so that ________. A.the visitors couldnt get close in the e


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