2017高考英语一轮复习构想 Unit 1 Living well 课时作业 新人教版选修7.doc

2017高考英语一轮复习构想 Unit 1 Living well 课时作业 新人教版选修7.doc

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Unit 1 Living well Ⅰ.阅读理解 A (2017·南宁二测) A new taxi service in Stockholm is offering its passengers a chance to relieve stress on the go. Theyve got psychotherapists (心理治疗师) occupying the back seats of the taxis, offering free consultations (咨询). The test was started by a company called Taxi Stockholm, which claims its the first project of its kind in the world. The idea was formed when the owners of Taxi Stockholm realized that people are more likely to talk about their problems on boring, quiet drives. They even have data to back_up the theory; according to spokeswoman Natalia Santos, around 70 percent of people said their taxi journeys were a good time for reflection and that they often found their minds wandering. “And when you think about it, the drivers can even become like therapists,” she added. Mia Fahlén, one of the psychologists on board, said that she would have to be flexible, because she wouldnt know exactly how long a trip could be. But she believes that a lot could be accomplished from even a short 10-minute journey. “A lot of people are lonely,” she explained. “There are so many single people in Stockholm. And a lot of the people I meet from abroad tell me theyre frustrated (挫败的) with Sweden. They say its really hard to make the acquaintance of people and that even when they try, the Swedes can be very quiet.” “Of course, youd not have to be lucky to catch these taxis, but if youre really excited about the idea, you could book a trip in advance. It will work out cheaper than seeing a regular therapist; an hour-long session with Fahlén costs up to 1,200 kronor ($ 165).”Natalia Santos said. When asked if this is all a publicity stunt (作秀) in the wake of their new competitors, taxi-app service Uber, Santos denied (否认) it. She said that the staff at Taxi Stockholm are actually quite optimistic about being able to help people through their service. 【解题导语】 本文主要讲述了瑞典一家出租车公司提供的特别服务:为乘客提供心理咨询。 1.What can we know about from Paragraph 1? A. Most of the Swedes


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