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China Journal of Bioinformatics PCR 1 2 1 1 1 , , , , ( 1. , 132109; 2. , 710300 ) : 引物设计前的序列的全面检索, 未注释序列的归类, 经多序列比对求带有模糊碱基代码标 (IUPAC ambiguity codes) 的共 有序列, 对设计高质量的引物至关重要, 是引物设计过程的难点目前, 综合性核酸序列分析软件, 单功能应用软件, 在解决 上述问题时均显不足应用互联网提供的在线生物应用程序实践了一种多程序组合使用设计大数量序列的保守引物的方 法,探讨了实现大数量序列的保守引物设计的 一般流程 :PCR 引物设计; 共有序列; 求解路线 : 78 :B : 1672- 5565(2007)- 04- 171- 04 A solving route of common PCR primers for nucleotide sequences in a great quantity 1 2 1 1 1 SHAO Xi- qun ,SHAO un ,YAN Xi- jun ,ZHANG Xiu- ting ,LUO Guo- liang ( 1. Institute of Sp ecial Economical Animal and Plant Science CA . A. S, Zuoj ia Jilin 132109, C ina; 2. Huxian Fourt Middle Sc ool, Huxian S anxi 710300, C ina) Abstract:Common Primer selection for sequences in a great quantity is not easy,for example, sequences of rabies virus and influenza A virus increasing everyday. first of all,the procedure of extracting a few consensus sequences is a difficult by current integrated or unique bio- se quencen processing programs.The paper presented an idea and a way, which combining a few web programs realized solving consensus se quences with IUPAC ambiguity codes. In addition, the other someways and references were given in sequences collecting, sorting and primer designed softwares. Key Words:common PCR primer,design, consensus sequence,solving route , ,; google Search scholarly pa , , pers http:, 1000bp, , , , ,, , , A 1.2 NCBI TaxB


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