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19 5 Vol. 19, No.5 2 0 0 7 9 Teacher Education Research Sep. , 2007 方 平 李 改 刘金秀 ( 首都师范大学教育科学学院 北京 100037) [ ] 33 4 , : ( 1) , , ; ( 2) , ; ( 3) ; ( 4) , [ ] ; [ ] 645 . 5 [] A [] 1672 - 5905( 20 07) 0 5- 0 060- 0 6 A Research on University Studentsc Emotion Regulation Styles Fang ing Li Gai Liu Jin-xiu ( Colleg e of E d ucat ion , Cap ital N or mal Un iv ers ity , B e ij ing 100037) Abstract: 33 4 University Student s w ere measured by the questionnaire to explore the features of emotion regu- lation styles they use. The results indicate that ( 1) University Students use a variety of emotion regulation styles to regulate their emotion. The frequentest style they use is active distraction, and the least style t hey use is temporary relief. (2) There exists significant gender difference in the styles of venting expressing emo- tion, cognitive engagement, acceptance and reframing, passive distraction, temporary relief.Females tend to use vent ing expressing emot ion,passive distraction, and males t end to use cognitive engagement, acceptance and reframing,t emporary relief. ( 3) There isnct significant grade difference in emotion regulation styles of Univer- sity student. ( 4) T here exist significant subject difference in the styles of venting expressing emot ion and temporary relief. The Arts tend to use venting expressing emotion, and t he sciences tend to use temporary relief. Key Words: university student ; emot ion regulation style , , ,


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