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work out 可以解决,设计出,算出,计算出,消耗完, 挤出去 work for 为…做事,为…尽力,被…雇佣者 work at 从事,致力于… work on激起,激发,影响,不断工作,继续工作 work as 作为....的工作 work in 引进,配合 make use of利用 make for走向,攻击,导致 make out辨别出,填写;写出,理解 make one’s way成功 make up for补偿 make up one’s mind下决心 make way to让路;为...开路 put off推迟;拖延 put on上演,穿上 put out伸出,熄灭,打扰 put up建造 put up with忍受;容忍put into effect (practice, operation)实施;执行 run across偶然遇到,穿过(道路) run down撞倒,耗损;用坏 run into撞到,偶遇run off使流出,印出 run out of用完; 耗尽 set about着手,开始(做) set aside留出,拨出,不顾;不理会,驳回;取消 set out开始 set up建造,建立 set off出发,动身,使爆炸 take advantage of利用,欺骗;占...的便宜 take after像;与...相似 take charge of开始管理,接管 take into account考虑到;体谅 take effect见效;生效 take it for granted假定;就算 take in take off让...进入;接受,改小 take over接管 take part in参加 take one’s time从容进行;不着急 take the place of代替 think of 考虑,想起来,记起;想出来 think of sth/sb as…把...看作 think over 仔细考虑 turn down拒绝 turn on打开;发动 turn off关掉 turn in交上;归还 turn out结果是;证明是 turn over翻倒;倾覆 turn to求助于;转向 turn up出现;发生 “完型填空”的解题步骤 粗览短文,抓主旨; 细读文章,选答案; 上下文中,找线索; 语法知识,不错过; 有了难题,跳过去, 回头再读,补与核。 作文备考提示 ① 精彩的段落开头 ② 段落展开的基本方法 ③ 精彩的段落结尾 ☆作文命题的三种类型 ①how型 ②why型 ③what型(4)应用型 ☆高分名言警句 time, friendship, work ,study, health time If a thing is worth doing, it’s worth doing well It is always darkest just before the dawn Nothing is impossible to a willing heart Opportunity knocks at the door but once Time and tide waits for no man Time is the best healer Tomorrow is another day Well begun is half done Where there is a will, there is a way We know not what is good until we have lost it friendship Blood is thicker than water A friend in need is a friend indeed It unity there is strength Love makes the world grow round One swallow does not make a summer Two heads are better than one Many hands make light work Life Enough is as good as a feast(知足常乐) God help those who helps themselves Grasp all, lose all He that will thrive must rise at five(勤奋就能事业旺) No pains, no gains The tree is known by its fruit What is done by night appears by day health Good health is above th


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