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Australian StandardTM 澳大利亚标准TM Methods of testing concrete 混凝土试验方法 Method 4.1: Determination of air content of freshly mixed concrete— Measuring reduction in concrete volume with increased air pressure 方法4.1:混凝土拌合物中空气含量的测定方法——在气压增高的条件下测定混凝土体积的减少量 1 SCOPE 1 适用范围 This Standard sets out the method for determining the air content of freshly mixed concrete from observations of the change in volume of the concrete when it is subjected to an increased air pressure (see Note 1). 本《标准》所规定的试验方法为:将混凝土拌合物置于气压增高的条件下(见注解1),通过观察混凝土的体积变化来测定混凝土拌合物中的空气含量。 The method provides for compaction of the sample either by rodding or by vibration (see Note 2). 混凝土样本可以通过插捣方式或者振动方式进行捣实(见注解2)。 NOTES:注: 1 This method is intended for use with concretes made with relatively dense natural aggregates for which the aggregate correction factor can be determined satisfactorily by the technique described in Clause 10. It is not recommended for use with concretes made with lightweight aggregates, or aggregates of high porosity (see AS 1012.4.3). 1 在本办法中,所使用的混凝土系由相对密实的天然骨料配制而成,骨料的修正系数可以利用第10款规定加以测定。对于由轻量化骨料或者高孔隙率骨料(见AS 1012.4.3标准)配制而成的混凝土,则不建议采用。 2 The results obtained will be dependent on the compaction method used. 2 所获得的试验结果与所采用的捣实方法密切相关。 3 This Standard may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. The Standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use. The user of this Standard should establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 3本《标准》可能涉及危险性材料、操作和设备。本《标准》的主旨不在于解决所有与使用相关的安全问题。本《标准》的使用者有责任建立适当的安全和健康保护措施,并且在使用之前,应确定相关标准限制的适用范围。 4 Data on the precision of the test method were not available at the time of publication. This information will be included when available. 4 在本《标准》出版时,尚没有关于试验方法精度的相关资料。若能够掌握此类资料,则今后将在本《标准》中予以增补。 2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 2 参考文件 The following documents are referred to in this Standard: 在本标准中参考了下列文件: AS《澳大利亚标准》 1012 Methods of testing concrete 1012 混凝土试验方法


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