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1.我不要华丽的婚礼,不要高贵的住宅,不要名贵的跑车,只要你在我身边。 2.我们不要战争,不要死亡,不要哭声,只要和平。 3. A modern wife has now been given the choice of whether or not to stay at home and be a full-time housewife. Thirty years ago it was expected that when a girl married she automatically stopped working to become a full-time housewife and mother. In the 1990’s, society does not expect that of women. Women today have the freedom to continue with their careers and the freedom to choose whether or not to have children. Some couples deliberately choose not to have children or not to have children in favour of pursuing interesting and well-paid careers, while others choose to have children at a much later time. Trademark, advertisement and body of advertising text. 雪花啤酒 真彩水笔 永久自行车 波司登 安踏 维达 罗蒙 格兰仕 雅戈尔 西子香皂 白象 匹克 狗不理 乐凯 九阳 苏泊尔 “鸳鸯”枕套 红豆服装 CocaCola Seven-up Sprite Rejoice Pantene Head and Shoulders Safeguard Colgate Crest Tide Avon Marlboro TCL LG BMW (Bayerische Motoren Werke ) Mercedes-Benz Nice Maybelline Chanel Lancome Pampers PepsiCola PizzaHut Carrefour Pierre Cardin Kodak Canon Poison Revlon AQUAIR UP2U KISS ME Nippon Start Ahead. (Rejoice) Tide’s in, dirt’s out. (Tide washing powder) Fresh-up with Seven-up. (Seven-up) Obey your thirst. (Sprite) Good to the last drop.(Maxwell) A diamond lasts forever.(De Bierres) Intelligence everywhere. (Motorola) Apple thinks different. (Apple computer) Like daughter, like mother. To smoke or not to smoke, that is a question. Nike, just do it.(Nike) “Melt in your mouth, not in your hand.” “The coffee-er coffee.” 一夫当关,万夫莫开。(保险锁广告) 要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝。 要想身体好,常喝健力宝. 默默无蚊的奉献。(蚊香片广告) 沉寂中酝酿,才有惊艳亮相。(长城葡萄酒) 以健康跨越障碍,将来就是你的。(安利纽崔莱营养食品) 建行的龙卡广告: 衣食住行 有龙则灵 城市,让生活更美丽。 Tr of ad: Kiss 汉语喜欢托物寄情, 用词华丽, 句子结构较散, 内容较多, 信息量大; 英语则重写实, 句式结构较严, 行文注重逻辑, 用词简洁明快, 广告英语更是如此。 在英译汉语广告时, 不能只是简单地字字对应。广告的功能是劝说诱导, 其最终目的是使读者采取购买行动, 翻译出来的广告也必须具有同样的功能。所以广告翻译的标准是而且只能是“功能对等”, 也就是使译文读者和原文读者产生相同的购买欲望, 并导致进一步的消费活动, 翻译汉语广告时必须牢记这一点. 1


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