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·26 · 人类工效学 2009年 9月第 15卷第 3期
文章编号 :(2009)
( )
日本 《自觉症状调查表 》 2002版
黄河 ,耿东
(江南大学 商学院 ,江苏 无锡 2 14 112)
摘要 :为了解制造业员工的作业疲劳 ,本研究利用 日本新版 《自觉症状调查表 》和 《身体疲劳部位调查 》,
以无锡某机械制造企业 95名员工为对象进行了调查 。结果发现 , 自觉症状随着工作时间的推移有增大趋势 ,
疲劳部位中上肢部和下肢部的主诉率增幅较大 。调查也说明此表基本适用于我国企业 ,但在其他企业 、行业
的应用 , 尚需结合我国国情对项 目内容作进一步研究探讨 。
关键词 :疲劳自觉症状 ;制造业 ;工效学
中图分类号 : TB 18; F247 文献标识码 : A
Applica tion Study on Japanese “Subjective Fa tigue Symptom s”
( 2002 Version) In a Ch inese M anufacturer
HUAN G H e, GEN G Dong
( School of Bu siness , J iangnan U n iversity, W uxi 2 14 112 , Ch ina)
A b stract: In order to evaluate the indu strial fatigue of the emp loyees, an inve stigation was carried out in a m a
ch inery m anufacturer in W uxi. The conten t of the que stionnaireswere included Subjective Fatigue Symp tom s (N ew E
dition) , Body ’s Tired Parts of J ap an and so on. Que stionnaire s were distribu ted to 95 emp loyees. The re su lts of the
Subjective Fatigue Symp tom s showed that all the score s were h igher at the end of the work ing day than that of the be
ginn ing, e sp ecially in langu idne ss and b lu rry vision. The re su lts of the Body ’s Tired Parts showed that the tired p arts
changed over tim e, “the upp er lim b s”and “legs”were the mo st comp lained p arts among all workers. The re su lts of
our study also indicated that the que stionnaire s cou ld app ly to Ch ine se en terp rise s ba sically, but in the app lication s
and p romotion to othe
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