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Nnclear Radiation 南京医科大学 Q1:How much do you know about the nuclear energy? Nuclear Fission Nuclear fission is the process of splitting a nucleus into two nuclei with smaller masses. Fission means “to divide” Remember that fission has 2 s’s, therefore it splits into TWO parts. Nuclear Fusion Q2:How can nuclear power affect peoples life? 我们先来看看核辐射对人体有什么伤害 专家指出:一、核辐射形式。核辐射它有a、b和y三种辐射形式。a辐射只要用一张纸就能挡住,但吸入体内危害大;b辐射是高速电子,皮肤沾上后烧伤明显;y辐射和X射线相似,能穿透人体和建筑物,危害距离远。 二、核辐射途径。放射性物质可通过呼吸吸入,皮肤伤口及消化道吸收进入体内,引起内辐射,y辐射可穿透一定距离被机体吸收,使人员受到外照射伤害。 三、核辐射对人体健康损害。内外照射形成放射病的症状有:疲劳、头昏、失眠、皮肤发红、溃疡、出血、脱发、白血病、呕吐、腹泻等。有时还会增加癌症、畸变、遗传性病变发生率,影响几代人的健康。  利用核能是大势所趋 Thank You! * 由于原子核的变化而释放的巨大能量叫做核能,也叫原子能 科学家经过实验发现获取核能有两条途径:一种是原子核的裂变,一种是原子核的聚变 核能 Nuclear fusion is the combining of two nuclei with low masses to form one nucleus of larger mass. Nuclear fusion reactions are also called thermonuclear reactions. Nuclear energy-Infinite Energy Marine 核裂变 Nuclear fission 核聚变 Nuclear Fusion 铀、钍矿石 If all use, can be used for 2400~2800 years 40亿万吨 2千多亿吨 Uranium and thorium ores If realized controllable fusion, those can use of billions of years 氘(来自海水)、锂Deuterium (from sea), lithium 天然辐照占80% 宇宙辐照 陆地辐照 体内辐照 氡气 The advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy Advantages of nuclear energy: 1. Nuclear power does not cause air pollution and does not produce carbon dioxide which aggravates global warming. 2. Nuclear fuel has small size so it is easy for transportation and storage. 3. Fuel costs accounts for a lower proportion in the cost of nuclear power generation. 4. Rich in nuclear material. Disadvantages of nuclear energy: 1. Nuclear power plant will produce radioactive waste. 2. Nuclear power plant has lower thermal efficiency and bad heat pollution. 3. Nuclear power plant needs large investment cost, the power company has higher financial risk. 4. The site of nuclear power plant is largely determined by environment. 5. The release into the external environment because of the ac


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