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ISSN 1672- 4305 14 1 20 11 2 CN 12- 1352 /N LABORATORY SC IEN CE V ol1 14 N o11 F eb120 11 摄影实验教学的实践与创新 王 岩 (苏州大学艺术学院, 江苏 苏州 215123) , , , , , ; ; ; ; G642. 0 A do i 10. 3969 / j. issn. 1672 - 4305. 2011. 01. 013 Practice and innovation on the teaching of photography expermi ent WANG Y an ( Schoo l o f A rts, Soochow U niversity, Suzhou 215123, Ch ina) Abstract: Photography exp ermi ent is a practica l course and learning the art o f photography and m aste- ring photograph ic techn iqu es depends on the tra in ing process in the photographic laboratory. T he exper-i m ent teaching objectives are the prem ise of this course, and teach ing content and teach ing techn iqu es are the focuses of expermi ental teach ing w ork. The expermi ent professional ab ility requ ired by in stru ctor is mi portant fo r stu dents, their analysis is the key to understand ing the situation of interaction. T racking gu idance for students 'work is to the guarantee of mi provem ent of academ ic perform ance. T he reform and innovation of this course are the m a in goa ls to com plete the purpose of teaching, and cult ivating high - qua lity pho tograph ic ta lents is the fundam ental task of th is course as w el.l Key words: teach ing ob jectives; m ajor of pho tography; instructor; innovation and reform; stu dents of talents cu ltivating , 1 ,


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