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110-120内分泌 Clinical manifestation of thyroid disease? High metabolic syndrome: increased heat and heat, protein, and fat And the breakdown of the carbohydrates; The nervous system excites; Cardiovascular system: tachycardia, atrial arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, increased pulse pressure, heart disease; Digestive system: gastrointestinal peristalsis increases rapidly; Abnormal liver function; Musculoskeletal system: periodic paralysis, acute chronic hyperthyroidism, osteoporosis; Other (reproduction, blood). 111, the procedure for diagnosing thyroid disease? Diagnosis of thyroid disease: serum TSH and thyroid hormone levels; Determine whether thyroid disease is a hyperthyroidism; Determine the cause of hyperthyroidism. 112, the diagnostic examination method of hyperthyroidism? (1) clinical manifestations: 1. 2, right eye; 3, T3 T4 secreted too much; (2) a large number of patients (five systems, including the pulse rate and the increase of pulse pressure, as an important indicator of the degree of disease and the effectiveness of the treatment (3) the auxiliary examination: 1, the basal metabolic rate = (pulse frequency and pulse pressure) - 111: normal is plus or minus 10%, mild hyperthyroidism is + 20% - 20%, moderate hyperthyroidism is 30% to + 30%, severe hyperthyroidism + 60%; 2, the thyroid factor 131 iodine rate: normal 30 to 40 percent. 2 hours or 24 hours 50%, and peak forward. T3, T4: T3 can be up to 4 times, T4 is only 2 times, so T3 is sensitive to the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism. 113, diagnosis of Graves disease (GD)? 1, hyperthyroidism is established 2, the thyroid is diffuse large minority is not 3, eyes and other infiltrating symptoms 4, pre-tibial mucous edema 5, TSAb, TRAb, TPOAb and TgAb positive. 1, 2 diagnostic prerequisites, 3, 4, 5 are diagnostic AIDS. 114, the control of the thyroid crisis? Block T4T3 synthesis and T4 converted to T3 (preferred PTU); Inhibit T4 and T3 release (compound iodine solution); To reduce the response of surround


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