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中医护理评估单 Assessment of hospital admissions of traditional Chinese medicine hospital _____, no dont... bed in hospital, _____ name... gender age _____ native _ Professional culture ______ _______ marital status... phone number _____ hospital: walking, walker, wheelchair, flat car Admission time on ___ ___ ______ years... when recording time on ___ ___...... years Diagnosis: western medicine tube bed doctor of traditional Chinese medicine Allergy history: (food, medicine) no family history: no Smoking history: no alcohol history: no year Four: ° C temperature pulse times/points breathing time/blood pressure mmHg tendency for peripheral blood sugar, weight kg/l 1, the inspection Body: normal fat thin other __________________________________________________ Emotions: cheerful, anxious, irritable, fearful and pessimistic Coating: thin white thin yellow whitish yellow moss greasy rotting white greasy yellow greasy black moss spend less peeling moss other: ________________ Tongue: reddish light white red and blue tooth marks the tip of the tongue red reduction crack fat, thin other: __________________ Hope god: god is tired depressed trance agitated delirium sleepiness lethargy coma other ____________________ Complexion: red and red, red and white, red and white, pale yellow and pale yellow Form: the normal shuddering part of the body does not have to lie in the rest Skin: the color: normal the red spot of red spot red of purple and purple is red and dry a wrong other Integrity: whole pimples are broken by the swelling of the swelling 2, listening and smelling: Sound: the normal tone of the mute and unvoiced, the hiccups of the moan, the voice is low and the breath of the breath is weak or heavy Bouquet: no more (smelly foul other) 3, interrogation: Sleep: normal night difficult RuMei Night dreams vary Easy to wake up wake up other... adjuvant _______ Diet: normal natrium stay hungry to eat Do after food Feed more hunger Anaerobic greasy Other: ____________________ Urinati


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