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中医操作流程图(全) The operation process catalog of acupuncture is commonly used in acupuncture 1, the flow chart of the needle method The operation flowchart of moxibustion 3, the moxibustion process flowchart Process flow chart of cupping method The scraping process flow chart The process flow chart of the smoking process The flow chart of wet compress operation The flow chart of the changing drug method The flow chart of the ischial method The flow chart of the coating process The flow chart of ultrasonic atomization suction method Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) retains the (anal) operation flowchart The main clinical manifestation, the history, the skin condition of the hole, the degree of tolerance of pain and the psychological condition of the pain Check name, diagnosis, explanation, undress and keep warm; Select the proper position by the acupuncture point, expose the needle site and keep warm To observe the Line of the needle The needle Selection of filiform needle Disinfect the skin Set point assessment The preparation Treatment plate, needle box, skin disinfectant, cotton swab, cotton ball, tweezers, bending disk, when necessary, blanket and screen Patient preparation Quality requirements Be generous and dignified Dress, shoes and hats are neat Be kind and gentle in language Nurses wash their hands and wear masks Bunion refers to the pressure of the acupuncture point, asking the patient to determine the acupoint. Disinfectant local (acupoint) skin Wipe from the outside, the diameter is greater than 5 centimeters Press the acupoint depth and the patients constitution to choose the millineedle, check the case of the needle handle is loose, the needle has the condition such as bending and the hook According to the needle site. Select the needle method and correct the needle After inserting the needle into the acupuncture point, the needle will be adjusted by lifting the needle to adjust the needle, leaving the needle 10 to 20 minutes Ask if the patient is uncomfo


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