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偏瘫病人的手功能评价与治疗 Hand function evaluation and treatment of hemiplegic patients An overview of Cerebrovascular disease in the process of functional recovery, most of the patients will appear different degree of hand function obstacle, these influences the improvement of the ability to care for the patients daily life and return to society of professional ability. Only recover fairly quickly after cerebrovascular disease, the patient can only make progress in this period, the shoulder, elbow, forearm and wrist single joint activities, can also be normal or near normal movement, however, the recovery of hand usually slow than other joints. The evaluation of second-hand functions 1 a muscle spasm Muscle cramps in the hand, including wrist, finger and thumb. Muscle cramps are assessed using the degree of resistance of passive motion, and are currently used in the modified Ashworth spasm rating scale The Ashworth spasm rating scale ?????????????????????????????? No muscle tension increases I muscle tension is slightly increased: when the affected part is passive, the minimum resistance or occurrence of a sudden seizure and release occurs at the end of the range of the joints I + muscle tension is slightly increased: a sudden seizure occurs within 50% of the range of the motion of the joint, and then The minimum resistance occurred at the end of the range of the joints The 2 muscle tension increased significantly: muscle tension increased significantly throughout most of the range of joint activities, but the affected section was still able to move more easily III muscle tension increases significantly: passive motion difficulties IV rigidity: the affected part is passive and is rigid and cant move Examination of sensory functions (1)??????????? Light feeling Mainly is the sense of touch, pain, temperature sense of inspection, inspection should be paid attention to when the contralateral, compared with that of lateral temperature sense of cold water (5 ~ 10 ℃) with hot water


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