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偏瘫的相关知识解析 Hemiplegia can be found in a variety of brain lesions, one of the most common in cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, such as cerebrovascular disease (stroke or stroke) patients, also found in craniocerebral injury, intracranial hematoma, encephalitis, meningitis, poisoning, nutrition disorder, degeneration diseases, demyelinating disease, brain abscess, brain parasites and after brain tumor operation, etc. No matter what causes of hemiplegia, rehabilitation principle basically the same. So today we focus on stroke hemiplegia rehabilitation, for other causes of hemiplegia, can according to the situation of patient evaluation, adopts the corresponding phase of the stroke hemiplegia rehabilitation measures. first Cerebrovascular disease, cerebrovascular diseases, CVD), also known as a stroke or stroke (stroke), is mainly refers to the brain artery system lesions caused by vascular spasm, block, or burst, causing the development of acute cerebral circulation and local is given priority to with hemiplegia limbs function damage. There are two main categories of clinical general: ischemic cerebrovascular accident and hemorrhagic cerebrovascular accident. Ischemic cerebrovascular accidents include transient ischemic attack (TIA), cerebral thrombosis, and cerebral embolism. Hemorrhagic cerebrovascular accidents include cerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage. The incidence of cerebral infarction accounted for 70% of total morbidity and 20% of brain hemorrhage. At present, the incidence of cerebrovascular disease, mortality and morbidity is very high, the incidence of urban and rural areas in China is about 120 ~ 180/10, mortality rates for 60 ~ 120/10 years, morbidity of about 86.5%. In recent years, with the improvement of early diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular disease, especially acute period, the improvement of the ability of timely processing has reduced the mortality rate. In addition, the early intervention of rehabilitation medicine led


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