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怎样防治怀孕母猪缺钙引起瘫痪 How to prevent a pregnant mother pig to cause paralysis In order to prevent the occurrence of calcium deficiency, the mothers and pigs should be strengthened, feed the whole food, exercise more, and have sufficient light every day. What is more important is the calcium that is easy to absorb in feed, such as calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, bone meal and so on. The addition of fish liver oil to feed, the calcium and phosphorus in the feed can rapidly replenish the calcium in the bone, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of the disease. If there is a calcium deficiency, you can inject the calcium in the muscle and give 5-10 milliliters of your body weight. It can also be injected into the ear vein with calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate and vitamin AD. How to prevent and prevent the failure of pregnant female pig? A: in order to prevent the occurrence of calcium deficiency, we should strengthen management of pregnant female pigs, feed the whole food, exercise more, and have sufficient sunshine every day. What is more important is the calcium that is easy to absorb in feed, such as calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, bone meal and so on. The addition of fish liver oil to feed, the calcium and phosphorus in the feed can rapidly replenish the calcium in the bone, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of the disease. If there is a calcium deficiency, you can inject the calcium in the muscle by injecting a 5-milliliter (5-ml) -10ml (5-ml) and a half a month. It can also be injected into the ear vein with calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate and vitamin A. The postpartum paralysis of sows is called postpartum paralysis, an acute hypoglycemic syndrome characterized by quadriplegic paralysis of the mother and pig. It can occur regardless of breed, age, foetus and body condition. Due to poor management, the deficiency of calcium and phosphorus in the feed, the lack of exercise and light, and the humidity of the enclosure. Clinical symp


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