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叩诊原理 Third, percussion (1) the method and sequence of percussion In percussion, the patient should take a seat or position. Undress, relax, and breathe evenly. Check your chest before the chest. Check the back, the clients head slightly forward vertical, torso slightly bent forward, shoulders natural prolapse, hands on knees, hands holding the contralateral shoulder or elbow when necessary, in order to make the back flat. Should look back, chest percussion order from top to bottom, left and right sides, namely from apex of down, along the rib by former backward between percussion, pay attention to distinguish slight percussion sound change. When percussion the front chest and side, the plate should be parallel to the intercostal. The Angle of the plate refers to the position of the lower Angle below the lower Angle of the scapular. The percussion force should be uniform, and the weight of the percussion should be determined by the thickness of the chest wall and the state of the muscle. (2) normal lung percussion The normal pulmonary percussion is voiced by a clear sound, the lung tissue is covered with the heart, and the percussion of the visceral organ of the liver is voiced. The lower left chest, which overlaps with the normal lung tissue and the gas-containing gastric vesicle, is a vocal area of percussion. The sound strength and pitch of normal lung percussion sounds are related to the amount of air in the lungs and the thickness of the chest wall. The lower part of the front breast is slightly turbid. For small volume leaves, air content is less, and the department have more muscle, upper right lung percussion sound than the left upper lung slightly polluted, because the right side of the chest a little thick than the left and upper right lung volume of smaller; The back percussion sound is slightly turbidity in the chest, because the muscle is more in the back. But these normal differences are generally not obvious. (3) percussion of the lung The upper lung


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