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倾斜试验操作流程 Vertical tilt testing procedure Check for indications Class I adaption (1) recurrent syncope, or single syncope, but work in the high risk patients, patients with whether history prompted nerve mediated vasovagal syncope, patients and satisfy the following conditions: No evidence of organic heart disease. There is organic heart disease, but there are other reasons for the elimination of syncope by certain examination methods. (2) although the cause of syncope (such as cardiac arrest, atrioventricular block) have made it clear, but need to further determine the susceptibility to nerve mediated syncope, in order to adjust the treatment plan. (3) as part of the evaluation of motion induced or associated syncope. 2. Ⅱ kind of indication (1) the identification of convulsive syncope and epileptic. (2) the evaluation of recurrent falls, especially the elderly, occurs. (3) the assessment of recurrent syncope or near-syncope. (4) to assess the syncope of unexplained causes of peripheral neuropathy or an insufficiency of autonomic nervous function. (5) trace the therapeutic effect of neuromediated syncope. (6) recurrent episodes of idiopathic vertigo. (7) recurrent episodes of transient cerebral ischemia (TIA). (8) chronic fatigue syndrome. (9) sudden infant death syndrome. 3. Ⅲ class indication (1) the diagnosis of vasovagal syncope is clearly supported by clinical evidence of a single case of syncope, which is not associated with trauma or non-risk patients. (2) the causes of syncope are clear, and further explicit neuromediated susceptibility does not alter patients with treatment plans. Check for contraindications The aorta stenosis or the left ventricular stenosis caused by the stenosis Severe mitral stenosis Patients with severe stenosis in the proximal coronary artery are known Syncope with severe cerebrovascular disease A syncope that occurs in a patient with atrioventricular block or pathological sinus syndrome, and does not have a pacemaker Have fever, acu


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