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健康教育培训方案 Health education action plan, May 10, 2011: health education: Theme: health connotation time: April 5, 2007: community education school form: teaching keynote speaker: li set off (health education in loess school The body of the health education activity program begins with theme: health Time: April 5, 2007 Location: community education school Teaching form: Keynote speaker: li set off (health education teacher in loess) Participants: community residents Main contents: Health is the normal state of human existence and is the guarantee of economic development, social progress and national prosperity. Chinas constitution stipulates that it is one of the important tasks for the socialist construction to safeguard the health of all citizens and improve the health of all ethnic groups. Helping people to get health is the responsibility and sacred mission of every sports health, the education teacher. Today, we are all together, mainly to understand what is healthy. Because people are in different times, circumstances and conditions, their understanding of health is different. In the past, people generally believed that the body was healthy without illness, injury or disability. As the changes in human health spectrum and the shift in medical patterns, peoples awareness of health is also deepening. Modern people to recognize that in addition to biological factors, psychological and social factors as well as the bad living habits, lifestyle, behavior are caused many diseases and the important cause of death. When concerned about the health of people, from perspective of creature is clearly not enough comprehensive, must consider the social factors and psychological factors can affect the health of people. As this knowledge deepens, the biomedical model of the past is transformed into a biological-psycho-social medical model. The world health organization (WHO) is put forward in its constitution in 1948: health is not only the absence of disease or weakness, but


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