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史玉柱一路读过的书 Shi yuzhu reading list ~ ~ look at shi yuzhu read what book? There have been 115 reading of the 2010-3-25 13:39 | keyword: shi yuzhu list Article links: military works Prefer politics, shi yuzhu reading orientation survey Sep 2007, shi yuzhu become the sanlian life weekly 2007, 33 cover, cover the background is a bookshelf filled with all kinds of books, shelves filled up with all kinds of advertising and marketing, research MAO zedong, Chiang kai-sheks book, this photo caused the interest of many readers, the sign of the sanlian life weekly blocking some of the names of books, which has inspired many readers curious psychology, such a legend of ups and downs in business usually like to see what books? Wang kai, a reporter who contacted the reporter who took the picture, recalled the picture. Mr. Wang said the photo was taken on July 24, 2005, in the office of shi yuzhu, the headquarters of the Shanghai headquarters of the brain. Veinkay told xinmin network, that day is a weekend, shi yuzhu at that time to do an interview with the office of the floor lamp is not open, feel very old, but shi yuzhus office is very big, looks around 80-100 square meters, has a wall with 3, 4, a big bookshelf, he remember particularly clear, had several bookshelves like MAO zedong, bookcase in front of a table can have about ten. Xinmin network understand, these shelves according to the category of the book put orderly, one of the top layer of the main shelf put some studies of Chiang kai-shek, MAO zedong, deng xiaoping, Lin biao and others books, such as the archives Oriental giant MAO zedong MAO zedong life enter the northern warlords and the secret, Chiang hsiao-yung last confessions, military godfather, hairy man chicken Chiang kai-shek and his rise to power, the Chiang kai-shek against enemies secret record zhongnanhai secret the kuomintang super spy spectrum military career of the Lin biao in the course of deng xiaoping. Started from several thousand yuan to topped the


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