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偏瘫的检查诊断方法 / Diagnostic methods of hemiplegia Hemiplegia is a common symptom of acute cerebrovascular disease. Many people are paralyzed by high blood pressure, congenital abnormalities in the brain, and metabolic diseases. For patients, it is important to diagnose the condition before treatment and to understand the severity of the condition. The diagnosis of hemiplegia is as follows: Facial check: (1) significant above there is usually no paralysis or only mild paralysis, eye closure to owe, eyelash character positive, hard to shut up can be found hemiplegia lateral force is weak, a natural next paralysis to the foreign side quarrel, mouth when an inclined oval. (2) the body check: collapsed significantly higher lateral limb muscle tension, body movement significantly diminished, some patients may be completely unable to exercise or forearm adduction, characterized by upper limbs stretch muscles, lower limb flexor muscle paralysis, and the worst in the hands and feet, upper limb is more important than the lower extremities. (3) increased muscle tone check: collapsed upper extremities is given priority to with increased flexor muscle tension, lower limb is given priority to with extensor tension increased, hemiplegic side passive movement of each joint impedance are significant. Resistance increases with the increase of the force of the pull, and eventually resistance disappears, often referred to as the taper bundle lesion. Pathological reflex (4) check: no matter any reason cause the pyramidal tract damage in pathological character positive, such as upper limb flexor myopathy reflection hoffman), there may be positive, lower limbs stretch myopathy Richard reflection can appear the classifiers, positive, etc. (5) unique posture examination: visible shoulder, forearm, elbow, wrist flexion. The hand bends before the hand, and the thumb is high. The lower extremity of the lower limb, the hip, the knee, the knee, the ankle, the foot of the foot, and the foot of the fo


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