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脱发的基本类型及解决办法4753142 1, seborrheic alopecia: often occur in young and middle-aged, characterized by scalp thick sebaceous secretion, hair light, thin, thin, or dry hair, dandruff, lacklustre, sparse slender. The solution: eat a light diet, eat less stimulating food, and eat more fruit, vegetables or internal vitamins B6, B2, etc. 2, pathological hair loss, mainly due to viruses, bacteria, high fever has damage to the wool mother cell, suppresses the normal wool mother cell division, make the hair follicles in a state of shock and lead to hair loss, such as acute infectious disease, long-term use of certain drugs, etc. Solution: take a lot of rest. Your hair will grow back after you have recovered or stopped. Chemical hair loss: harmful chemicals cause hair loss in scalp tissue, hair follicle cell damage Solution: don't use irritating hair dye, perm and inferior shampoo. Physical hair loss: hair loss caused by air pollutants blocking hair follicles and harmful radiation. Solution: don't use a nylon comb that produces static electricity and a nifner brush, wear a protective hat and wash your hair in a severe dust environment. 5, nutrient hair loss: the digestive absorption function obstacle causes the malnutrition to cause hair loss Solution: improve nutrition, eat fruits and vegetables, seaweed, mulberry and walnuts. Fat hair loss: a large amount of saturated fat is metabolized in the body to produce waste, blocking hair follicles causes hair loss Solution: eat less fatty food and exercise more. Genetic alopecia: hair loss is also hereditary, the average man is dominant and women are negative. The purpose of the hair maintenance is to maintain the health of the hair and to overcome dandruff or hair loss. Prevent hair loss from daily hair care begins, below is the basic method that introduces hair care Shampoo and conditioner Hair cleanness is the foundation of hair quality health, and correct washing method is the important factor that maintains hair. Dry hair sebum


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