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2008年职称英语阅读理解习题(十) FDA: Human, Animal Waste Threatens Produce   The biggest food safety risk for fresh fruits and vegetables as they are grown, picked or processed comes from human and animal waste, the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).? said Friday.   More than 9, 000 Americans die each year from food-borne diseases and some scientists believe fresh produce is the biggest carrier of contamination.   The FDA issued a set of draft guidelines for U. S. and foreign growers to carefully monitor worker hygiene, water quality, manure management and transportation.   These 34draft guidelines urged growers to give workers lessons on basic hygiene such as using soap to wash their hands, covering wounds that could come into contact with produce, and using only clean toilets.   The FDA guidelines identified “the major source of contamination ”for fresh produce as human or animal feces.   “We think just proper controls and proper attention to detail would make a big difference in food safety,” said and FDA official, “It is our belief that these guidelines would not be very costly.”   But grower groups disagreed with the FDAs assessment. “Most food-borne disease outbreaks that happen further down the distribution line are due to contamination because people preparing food are not properly washing their hands, ”said Stacey Zawal, an official with United Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association. “That is not necessarily true for growers and packers.”   Some U. S. grower organizations have expressed concern that the agency is interfering with on-farm practices. Others object to the FDAs proposal to have growers formally document the picking, handling and transportation of produce so that health officials could quickly recall foods if necessary.   Consumer groups criticized the FDA guidelines as of little use because they will not carry the force of law. But stricter regulations could evolve as researchers find new technology or methods to kill harmful bacteria or parasites, th


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