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Module9 Unit2 单元复习检测(总分100分) 编制人:陈娟 2011-9-28 一.根据中文提示或首字母写出符合句意的单词。 (每题1分,共25分) 1. The new railway is still under c_______ . 2. He loves science fiction in p_______ . 3. I was f_______ in having a good teacher . 4. The judge s_______ the prisoner to death . 5. The water was as s_______ as a mirror . 6. She took the car without p_______ , which made her boss angry . 7. There are plans to e_______ the recreation area . 8. He was c_______ with murder . 9. The use of light and dark s_______ good and evil . 10.If you’re all sitting c_______ , then we’ll begin . 11.All fights have been c_______ because of bad weather . 12.There was a slight collision but my car was u_______ . 13. They believed that art should be _______ (分离) from politics . 14.We are making slow but _______ progress . (稳定的) 15.The building has _______ been cued as a hotel . (先前、以前) 16.He _______ the champion in three sets . (击败) 17.The police had _______ filmed the conversations (稳密地) . 18. The speech was a_______ attempt to embarrass the government (故意的) . 19.The government is ready to introduce _______ for the environment . (保护) 20.Government troops were forced to _______ . (撤销;收回) 21.Recovery from the disease is very _______ . (逐步的) 22. The thing that _______ me is I made her sad . (使烦恼) 23._______ is better than cure . (预防) 24.He has been _________ as Chairman of the meeting.(任命) 25.To solve the problem , I think you should seek __________ advice(专业的) 二.翻译短语.(每题1分,共20分) 1意识到 2聚焦于/集中注意力于.... 3对...做贡献 4关于 5生孩子 6与某人离婚 7被优雅地装饰 8不怜悯某人 9指控某人某事 10对某人不忠 11有着戏剧化的生死 12买通出路 13被撤回 14被指控犯有叛国罪 15判处某人死刑 16为某人腾空 17先前被取消的死刑 18使配有家具的住处扩大 19生活的舒适 20未经许可 三.句型转换(每空一词)(每题2分,共40分) 1.They are building a bridge over the river. = A bridge over the river is__________ __________. 2. You should show mercy to the poor.=You should ______ _______ _______ poor people. 3. He is accused of being corrupt.= He is _____________ with__________. 4.In order


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