The Middle Ages.ppt

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* 3. St. Thomas Aquinas and Scholasticism(经院哲学) St. Thomas Aquinas(圣托马斯.阿奎那) Summa Contra Gentiles 《反异教大全》 Summa Theologiae 《神学大全》 * 4. Roger Bacon and Experimental Science Roger Bacon (罗吉尔·培根) 在物理学方面,特别是对 于光学的研究??他通过实验研究了凸透镜的放大效果以及光的反向和折射规律,证明了虹是太阳光照射空气中的水珠而形成的自然现象。 ??????????????? * Experimental Science(实验科学) * IV. Literature National Epics –the product of the Heroic Age.Written in vernacular languages A. Beowulf 《贝奥武夫》 * 1.epic ??????? Epic is an extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, like Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey. It usu. celebrates the feats of one or more legendary or traditional heroes. The action is simple but full of magnificence. Today, some long narrative works, like novels that reveal an age and its people are also called epic. * What is the plot and theme of England’s national epic Beowulf? 英国史诗《贝奥武夫》的情节是如何展开的?其主题是什么? ???????Beowulf, nephew of the king of the Geats, hears that Hrothgar, a Danish king, is in great trouble. The kingdom of the king is harassed by a monster called Grendel. He at once sails there, grapples with the monster, and wounds it fatally. Then comes Grendel’s mother, a she-monster, in revenge of her son. Beowulf follows her to her under-water cave and kills her with a giant sword. With these honors won, he returns to his homeland and reigns as its king for 50 years. Then a fire-breathing dragon comes out of its den and kills many people. Though old now, Beowulf still kills it sing-handedly. But he, too, is fatally wound and later dies. Thematically, this poem shows how the primitive people fight against the forces of the natural world under a wise and mighty leader. * B. Song of Roland (罗兰之歌) 组诗: La Chanson de Gestes 《武功歌》 * 2. Dante Alighieri and The Divine Comedy A. Dante Alighieri (但丁) great poet of Italy prose writer literary theorist moral philosopher political thinker * B. The Divine Comedy(《神曲》) Landmark of world literature The greates


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