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2000 年完型填空 Section II Cloze Test Directions: For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose the best one and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (10 points) If a farmer wishes to succeed, he must try to keep a wide gap between his consumption and his production. He must store a large quantity of grain 大41家 consuming all his grain immediately. He can continue to support himself and his family 大42家 he produces a surplus. He must use this surplus in three ways: as seed for sowing, as an insurance 大43家 the unpredictable effects of bad weather and as a commodity which he must sell in order to 大44家 old agricultural implements and obtain chemical fertilizers to 大45家 the soil. He may also need money to construct irrigation 大46家 and improve his farm in other ways. If no surplus is available, a farmer cannot be 大47家 . He must either sell some of his property or 大48家 extra funds in the form of loans. Naturally he will try to borrow money at a low 大49家 of interest, but loans of this kind are not 大50家 obtainable. 41. [A] other than [B] as well as [C] instead of [D] more than 42. [A] only if [B] much as [C] long before [D] ever since 43. [A] for [B] against [C] of [D] towards 44. [A] replace [B] purchase [C] supplement [D] dispose 45. [A] enhance [B] mix [C] feed [D] raise 46. [A] vessels [B] rou


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