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Top Ten Cakes Reporter :Luo Qing Specialty :pharmaceutics Student No. Frence Mousse cake 慕斯是一种奶冻式的甜点,可以直接吃或做蛋糕夹层。通常是加入cream与凝固剂来造成浓稠冻状的效果。慕斯是从法语音译过来的。慕斯与布丁一样属于甜点的一种,其性质较布丁更柔软,入口即化。制作时最大的特点是配方中的蛋白、蛋黄、鲜奶油都须单独与糖打发,再混入一起拌匀,所以质地较为松软,有点像打发了的鲜奶油. The Mousse is a milk-based frozen dessert, eat or can be directly laminated cake. Usually by adding cream and thick-coagulants to cause the effect of cold symptoms. Mousse is coming from the French transliteration. Mousse and pudding are dessert is one of the same nature is more flexible than the pudding, that is of import. Production is characterized by the greatest formula of protein, egg, fresh cream and sugar have to be sent separately, and then mixed with the mix, so the texture is more soft, somewhat like the fresh cream to pass the. 3 British pudding 英国糖浆松糕布丁 固执守旧到有点可爱的英国布丁,竟还根据季节进行了明确的划分:夏天有以新鲜草莓制成的屈莱弗Trifle冷布丁,冬天则是热乎乎黄油味十足的太妃糖热布丁,各种各样的布丁几乎成为英帝国繁荣兴盛的基石,也是英国人餐桌上不可或缺的一部分。在各种各样的布丁中,尤以那种多孔的或称之为糖浆松糕的甜味布丁最为著名。蛋奶沙司从糖浆松糕上缓缓滴下,只需想起这种画面,就会让人忍不住食指大动。   尽管近年来由于人们认为其不利于健康而渐渐将它排除在受欢迎食品的名单之外,不过一些新兴的制造商如The Proof of The Pudding公司正努力开发新产品以消除人们的顾虑。 Stubborn old-fashioned to have a little cute British pudding, but also according to the season been divided clearly: summer with fresh strawberry into flexion Lai Fu Trifle cold pudding, winter is warm butter flavor toffee hot pudding, various pudding almost become the cornerstone of the British Empire and Rong Xingsheng, is a British an indispensable part of people on the table. In a wide variety of pudding, especially in the porous called treacle sponge pudding is most famous sweet. Custard from treacle sponge slowly drop, just think of this picture, can let a person cannot help inviting. Although in recent years due to the perception that it is not conducive to health and gradually it will be excluded from the popular food list, but some of the emerging manufacturers such as The Proof of The Pudding companies are working to develop new products in order to eliminate peoples conc


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