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So a few years ago, I did something really brave, or some would say really stupid. I ran for Congress. 几年前, 我做了一些非常勇敢的事, 或许有些人会说很愚蠢的事。 我参选国会议员. For years, I had existed safely behind the scenes in politics as a fundraiser, as an organizer, but in my heart, I always wanted to run. The sitting congresswoman had been in my district since 1992. She had never lost a race, and no one had really even run against her in a Democratic primary. But in my mind, this was my way to make a difference, to disrupt the status quo. The polls, however, told a very different story. My pollsters told me that I was crazy to run, that there was no way that I could win. 很多年来,我安全地存在于 政治活动背后 作为资金筹集人,作为组织者,但我的内心,我 一直希望参选。我所在选区的国会议员女士 从1992 年起担任这个职务。她从未输过一场 选战,没有人真正认真地 在民主选举中与她竞争。但在我心中,这就是我 创造不同的方 式, 改变现状。 民意调查,然而, 显示出完全不同的故事。 我的民调专家告诉我 我要 参选简直疯了, 我不可能会赢。 But I ran anyway, and in 2012, I became an upstart in a New York City congressional race. I swore I was going to win. I had the endorsement from the New York Daily News, the Wall Street Journal snapped pictures of me on election day, and CNBC called it one of the hottest races in the country. I raised money from everyone I knew, including Indian aunties that were just so happy an Indian girl was running. But on election day, the polls were right, and I only got 19 percent of the vote, and the same papers that said I was a rising political star now said I wasted 1.3 million dollars on 6,321 votes. Dont do the math. It was humiliating. 但我还是参选了, 在2012 年,我成了崛起的新秀 参选纽约市国会竞选。 我发誓我会赢。 我得到了《纽约每日新闻》的认可, 《华尔街日报》刊登了我在选举日的照片, 美国全国 广播公司财经频道称之为 全国范围内最热的选战。 我从我认识的每个人那里筹钱, 包括 印度阿姨们 她们很高兴一个印度女生参选。 但选举日,民调是对的, 我只拿到了19%的 选票,那张曾称我为新兴政治明星的报纸 现在却说我浪费了130 万美金 在6321 张选票上。 不要算数字。 太丢脸了。 Now, before you get the wrong idea, this is not a talk about the importance of failure. Nor is it about leaning in. I tell you the story of how I ran for Congress because I was 33 years old and it was the first time in my entire life that I had done som


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