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第三章 词的理据 (Motivation) 关于词的音义理据,存在两派观点:自然派认为音与义之间存在着必然的联系,而习惯派则认为音与义的联系是约定俗成的。 (Naturalists believed that there was an intrinsic connection between sound and sense, and Conventionalists held that the connection was purely a matter of tradition and convention.) 1.拟声理据(onomatopoeic motivation) (1) 基本拟声(primary onomatopoeia):鸟兽动物声音模仿 cats – mew (purr) hens – cluck ducks – quack geese – cackle (gabble) (2) 次要拟声(secondary onomatopoeia):声音与某种象征性意义的联想 a.呼吸声(breath noise): sniff(嗅) , snuff(鼻烟) , snore(打呼噜), snort(鼻息声,表轻蔑) b. 迅速移动(quick movement): sip(剪断), snap(猛地咬住), snatch(抢、夺) c. 爬行(creeping): snail(蜗牛慢行), sneak(潜行), snoop(窥探) d. 重迭词(reduplicated word): riff-raff(乌合之众), wishy-washy(缺乏力量), zigzag(弯弯曲曲), ding-dong(叮咚), tit for tat(以牙还牙,针锋相对) 2. 语义理据(semantic motivation) (1) 隐喻(metaphor):本体与喻体之间不用比喻词like或 as the brow of a hill, teeth of a saw, the tongue of a shoe, the eye of a potato They were allowed to leapfrog the long lines of traders and get immediate appointments with Chinese representatives. 他们获准越过排着长阵的商人即刻与中国代表约谈。 She left the room like an ocean-liner setting out to sea, her lapdog husband bobbing in her wake. 她大模大样地走出房间活像一艘远洋巨轮出海,而她的丈夫却像只叭儿狗似地跟在后面跳着。 U.S. influence and prestige nosedived in Africa. ( 一落千丈,江河日下) When the new method was introduced, some teachers, as a friend of mine put it, climbed on the bandwagon and could not play the instruments. (赶浪头,不会使用) He has a heart of stone. The curtain of night has fallen. Life‘s a short summer. (人生苦短,犹如夏天,稍纵即逝。) All the world‘s a stage. of:作“相似”解 an angel of a wife 天使般的妻子 a saint of a man 圣人般的人 a palace of a house 宫殿式的房子 a mountain of a wave 万丈波涛 (2) 借代 / 转喻 (metonymy) / 提喻 (synecdoche) They agreed to put pressure on the negotiations for progress on Berlin. 他们同意对柏林问题的进展磋商加压。 Everybody knows that John lost his shirt when that b


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