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2011广东省高考英语语法填空专题 实 战 演 练 篇(1) There was once a beautiful girl who hated herself because she was blind. She also hated everyone else, except her __1__ (love) boyfriend who was considerate and was always there to help her. One day she told her boyfriend, “You __2__ (be) so kind to me and if I could only see the world, I should marry you.” One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. Doctors spent several hours doing __3__ (operate) for her and the boy accompanied her at the bedside all the time. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, her boyfriend __4__ (include), of course. He asked her, “Now __5__ you can see the world, will you marry me?” The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind, too. The sight of __6__ ugly closed eyelids shocked her and made her feel sick. She had not expected that, and __7__ thought of looking at them in the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him. Her boyfriend left __8__ tears and a few days later sent a note to her, __9__ said,“Please take good care of your eyes, my dear, because before they are yours, they were __10__!” After reading the words, the girl burst out crying, regretting what she had done to the boy. 6. [解析] 结合语境考查形容词性物主代词。此处是指男孩的眼睑紧闭,故用his较为妥当。[答案] his 7. [解析] 结合语境考查冠词。名词前设空答案首先考虑限定词,结合题意可知此处应填the。thought意为”想法,主意”。[答案] the 8.[解析] 结合语境考查介词。由语境判断,女孩的做法使男孩非常伤心,男孩流着泪离开了。in tears“泪流满面地”。 [答案] in 9.[解析] 结合语境考查非限制性定语从句。关系代词which代指前面的先行词note,在定语从句中充当主语。注意空格前面的逗号,此处which不可用that替换。[答案] which 10.[解析] 结合语境考查名词性物主代词。由前面的“before they are yours”可知,后面也应用名词性物主代词;此处是男孩留言的内容,应用第一人称,所以用mine。[答案] mine 1. [解析] 结合语境考查非谓语动词。由下文“who was considerate and was always there to help her”可得出答案。loving是由love去掉e后加ing构成的,loving意为“充满爱的”。[答案] loving 2. [解析] 考查时态。在间接引语中,当动作或状态现在仍然如此时,可以保持原时态。故此处应用are。[答案] are 3. [解析] 考查词性转换。由设空特点可以看出此处需要一个名词作动词do的宾语,所以应用operate的名词形式operation。[答案] operation 4. [解析] 考查独立主格结构。注意主句和“her boyfriend________”之间缺少连接词,而且boyfriend与动词include之间为动宾关系,所以用过去分词与“her boyfriend”一起构成独立主格结构



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