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spur of the moment include unique, one-of-a-kind, unsurpassing/unsurpassable, has no equal, unequaled, incomparable, unmatched/unmatchable, second to none, and unrivaled. 例如:Her beauty is unequaled/unmatchable/unique in all the land. 注意:把天姿国色译成 “ surpassing beauty.”或“ Reigning beauty” 是错的。 2. 沉鱼落雁:Drop-dead gorgeous. Drop-dead means extremely. (=You can die on the spot due to the shock of seeing such stunning beauty.) A face one could die for, stunning/Stunningly beautiful. 注意:“ She could charm the birds from the trees” 的意思并不是她有沉鱼落雁之容,而是她能用甜蜜的嗓音、话语劝说小鸟从树上落下,或者她有魔法让小鸟从树上落下的意思。 “…beauty to shut out the moon …make fish sink and geese settle…” are good translations, but not what we are looking for here. 3. 倾国倾城.:The face that launched a thousand ships is a reference to Helen of Troy in Homer’s Iliad. 荷马史诗中的 特洛伊的海伦.In the Epic, Helen is the femme-fatale that caused the fall of Troy. (femme-fatale 致命的女人 or 红颜祸水. ) 例如: She has a face that could launch a thousand ships. 4. 秀色可餐:可用 “she is a dish”, although that is considered rather vulgar. 其他说法:delectable, luscious, mouth-watering, 其他说法:She has a great figure/an hourglass figure. She is curvaceous, well-built, well-proportioned, shapely, statuesque,… 8. 秀气,高雅,有气质:elegant, classy, refined, graceful, cultured, chic, majestic, exquisite, polished… 9. 性感 :sexy, sensual, sensuous, seductive, hot, titillating, erotic, voluptuous 副词形容程度: 1. She is a woman of uncompromising beauty and elegance. Uncompromising. adj. Unwilling to grant concessions or negotiate; inflexible 不妥协的, 强硬的, 不让步的 In the context above, it means 100%. 2. She is hauntingly beautiful. Haunting adj. Continually recurring to the mind; unforgettable: a haunting melody. 常浮现于脑海中的, 不易忘怀的 其他相关说法: Captivating To attract and hold by charm, beauty, or excellence 迷住, Ravishing Extremely attractive; entrancing.令人陶醉的, 迷人的, 引人入胜的 Enchanting To attract and delight; entrance. 使迷惑 Bewitching To captivate completely; entrance.使销魂, 使陶醉 Stunning Of a strikingly attractive


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