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1.[句型展示] It is a great pity that its probably the last time this will happen. 真遗憾,这样美妙的夜晚很可能不会再有了。 [典例背诵] Its a great pity that you cant help us. 你不能帮助我们真是遗憾。 2.[句型展示] Its well-known that Americans are competitive, and I did enjoy it whenever I won our races! 众所周知,美国人喜欢争强好胜,因此,每当我赢得了比赛,我都会为此欣喜若狂! [典例背诵] All the actors do feel content whenever they are awarded the best actors. 每当演员们被颁发最佳演员奖时,他们真的感到满足。 1.It is a great pity that its probably the last time this will happen. 真遗憾,这样美妙的夜晚很可能不会再有了。 It is a pity that...为固定句型,表示“很遗憾/可惜……”。其中great用来加强语气,a pity 表示 “一件遗憾的事”,it 在句中作形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。另外,本句型可与“It is a great pity (for sb.) to do sth.” 互换。 ① It is a pity that the doctor still cant find out the cause of his disease. 遗憾的是医生还不能查明他的病因。 ②It is a pity for you not to see the new film with us. 遗憾的是你不能和我们一起去看那部新电影。 What a pity!      真令人遗憾! have/take pity on sb. 怜悯/同情某人 out of pity 出于同情 with pity 同情地 ③The old couple took pity on the homeless girl and took her into their house. 这对老夫妇同情这个无家可归的女孩,让她住进了他们的屋子里。 ④— Did you know the concert was cancelled? 你知道音乐会取消了吗? — No. ! 不知道,真遗憾! What a pity 2. Its well-known that Americans are competitive, and I did enjoy it whenever I won our races! 众所周知,美国人喜欢争强好胜,因此,每当我赢得了比 赛,我都会为此欣喜若狂! (1) 句中did enjoy为谓语动词的强调形式。谓语动词的强调形 式有两种: 一般现在时态用“do+动词原形”(第三人称单数时用 “does+动词原形”)。 一般过去时态用“did +动词原形”。 ①It is obvious that Zhu Zhiwen like singing. 很明显,朱之文真的喜欢唱歌。 does ②The satellite launch of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea attract the attention of the whole world. 朝鲜的卫星发射真的是引起了全世界关注。 [点津] 该强调形式仅用于谓语动词为实义动词的肯定句中,意为“确实,的确”; 在祈使句的谓语动词前,可用do来加强语气,意为“务必,一定,千万”。 ③Do be careful! 务必要小心! did (2)句中whenever引导的是一个让步状语从句,意为“不管什 么时候,无论何时” ,相当于 no matter when。类似的词 还有 whatever, whoever, whomever, wherever等。 ④Whenever he gets int


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