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Method Statement 方案 Date: 2009-05-11 Project: Wuhan - Guangzhou Intercity Railway Transportation Project WUGANG 项目: 武广高速铁路项目 Consern: Fine Adjustment and Commissioning 主题: 精调与联调联试 Reference: Assembly and Maintenance Manual Annex 1 参考: 附件1-安装及维护手册 1. Introduction /导言 After Installation and adjusting the turnouts in slab track the works for fine adjustment an commissioning as well as the works for checking the functions and safety installations have to be done before acceptance and operation of the turnouts The subject matter of this Method Statement is the description of this workings as well as the informations to the tools and measurement equipment. If special workings are described in separate manuals, it will be referred to this, basis for this works is the current version of this manual. 无砟道岔在安装及调整后,在验收及运营之前必须对道岔的转换设备进行精调及联调联试,并 检查道岔的功用性和安全性。本方案对道岔的联调联试工作进行阐述并提供相关工具及设备的 信息。如在其他手册中对相关工作也有描述,以本方案的现有版本为准。 Depending from the geometry of the turnouts some adjustments like tongue gap and overlap have to be done, the values are given in the according forms for the turnouts #18 an #50. These adjustments are relevant for all turnouts of the type vaBWG, independent from the type of the slab track (WGPDL: Boegl plates and Rheda 2000) as well as ballasted track. The confirmations according to the forms are the basis for acceptance and release the turnouts for high speed traffic. 在联调联试过程中需要对尖轨开口和动程进行调节,其设计值在18号道岔和50号道岔相应的表 格中已经给出。此调节工作适用于所有BWG道岔,和轨下基础无砟或有砟轨道类型无关。如相 应表格中的条件得到满足,道岔即可验收,具备高速行车的条件。 Date :2009-05-09 Page 1 of 8 CC: WGPDL / CTC JV / vaBWG 2. Scope and process of the works / 工作范围和流程 The works for Fine adjustment and commissioning are descri


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